
Car thieves, not police, to blame for chase deaths

The concerns of the consumers of the Liberal Media are on display at Car thieves, not police, to blame for chase deaths. The comments from these SMH readers can be summarised as that property is more important than human life. This is the typical class interest of the liberal media readers who are petite bourgeois or worker aristocracy (or, in Ward Churchill's term, 'the Little Eichmanns'). The police are there to protect property and the lives of the property owners before that of those who do not have as much property or none at all. And of course, the problem of crime is due to people living in these places such as Macquarie Fields, Redfern, Gaza, Fallujah, Genoa, Chicargo, Los Angeles, etc.. In all of these cases, repression breeds resistance and the nature of the oppression determines the nature of the resistance. We are all now living in a war-zone - the class war zone.

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