
Mark Thoma: Paul Krugman and 'Challenging the Oligarchy'

Mark Thoma excerpts from Paul Krugman 'Challenging the Oligarchy'.

The Work of Nations was in some ways a groundbreaking work, because it focused squarely on the issue of rising inequality—an issue some economists, myself included, were already taking seriously, but that was not yet central to political discourse. Reich’s book saw inequality largely as a technical problem, with a technocratic, win-win solution. That was then. These days, Reich offers a much darker vision, and what is in effect a call for class war—or if you like, for an uprising of workers against the quiet class war that America’s oligarchy has been waging for decades.

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Fuck off! Why should workers defend Capitalism? Krugman and Reich are wankers. Workers should smash Capitalism into the ground and grind it under their feet!

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Juan Cole: Abortion Clinics, White Christian Terrorism and GOP Candidates

Juan Cole writes about Abortion Clinics, White Christian Terrorism and GOP Candidates.

Americans are more at risk from violence by armed white Christian fanatics than they ever were from Muslims.

Deploying violence against people to halt abortions is the textbook definition of terrorism, which in the 1990s the Federal Code sensibly defined as non-state actors using violence against civilians to achieve a political aim. Much violence and coercion at Planned Parenthood (only 3% of its activity has to do with abortion) is inspired by Christian fundamentalism.

On this point, Christian ultra-conservativism agrees with the point of view of the Malik school of law among Muslims. In essence, Christian terrorists are attempting to move the United States on the below map away from a modern European norm, where abortion is elective up to a certain point in pregnancy, to an Afro-Asian and Maliki Muslim norm where it is often forbidden except to save the mother’s life (or not even then).


The same Christian fundamentalists who fulminate most loudly against “sharia law” (medieval Muslim canon law) are perfectly happy to impose their own, Christian sharia on secular American society. Some of them are willing to deploy violence to that end, making them religious terrorists. But on this issue, there increasingly isn’t much difference between the American Republican Party and the Wahhabi clerics in their Riyadh madrasas. In both cases, religious, theological doctrines are being made the basis of public law, which is un-American and actually unconstitutional (the First Amendment refers to that as Establishment of religion, which it forbids).

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The Capitalists desire control and are willing to align themselves with those who are willing and able to exercise control on their behalf. Class warfare is brutal, and the Capitalists want brutal people to keep Capitalism going.

This is where Fascism keeps coming up. It is the iron fist ready to smash any in-roads into the profitability of big business. Although Fascism starts out as a protest against the ravages of Capitalism on the petite bourgeoise, it morphs into a rabid defender of Capitalism because it cannot conceive of an alternative economic system. It just wants to get the wrong people out of running Capitalism.

Thus, the media supports White Terrorism by treating it differently. This is because the White Terrorists are aligned to the political agenda of the Capitalists. As such they are not fighting the system, they are preventing the system from falling into the wrong hands.

Cole also lists Top Ten differences between White Terrorists and Others

5. White terrorists are part of a “fringe.” Other terrorists are apparently mainstream.

6. White terrorists are random events, like tornadoes. Other terrorists are long-running conspiracies.

7. White terrorists are never called “white.” But other terrorists are given ethnic affiliations.

8. Nobody thinks white terrorists are typical of white people. But other terrorists are considered paragons of their societies.

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And this is how the media continues to construct racism, and to convince people that the victims of terrorism are actually terrorists. This then reinforces the racism of the proto-Fascists and eventually turns abstract racism into concrete racism.

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