
Seth Godin: Build a new one

Seth Godin says to Build a new one

Entrenched cultural organizations and icons feel more permanent than they are. Network effects, brand power and the status quo can seduce us into believing that we’re stuck with what we have, but things are rarely as permanent as they appear.

Nothing much changes until someone cares enough to build an alternative.

Emphasis Mine

Such naivete! There are institutions that have the backing of the State with its instruments of coercion and propaganda. These institutions are essential to the current power structures. One cannot simplify replace without expecting a violent backlash.

Hotels can be replaced by AirBNB. Taxis by Uber and Lyft. These institutions are not essential to the preservation of Capitalism. Capital is merely being reallocated to different sectors chasing higher profits.

What Godin describes is dual power. During the Russian revolution, dual power existed from February until November 1917. Dual power currently exists in Venezuela. As Lenin wrote:

What is this dual power? Alongside the Provisional Government, the government of bourgeoisie, another government has arisen, so far weak and incipient, but undoubtedly a government that actually exists and is growing—the Soviets of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies.

These dual organs of state power in Russia and Venezuela were able to exist because there existed military support that protected them. Dual power institutions without sufficient military support have a very short lifespan.

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Chris Slee: New book examines Australia's role in the region

Chris Slee reviews New book examines Australia's role in the region.

If Australia were to break with the US, the latter would react in a hostile manner. This might include military action, perhaps in the form of a naval blockade. Submarines might be useful in deterring this.

But if Australia still had a capitalist government, even one that was relatively independent of the US, it might use its armed forces to attack and intimidate its Pacific neighbours.

Breaking with the US is essential, but so too is opposing the exploitative relations between Australian capitalism and the people of the Pacific.

Emphasis Mine

So Australia is bound to the US Imperialism through coercion and bribery. The stick of US military action coerces Australia to accept the bribes of imperial profits. The carcasses of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Vietnam, Somalia, Sudan, Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. are there for all to see what happens to those who oppose US Imperialism.

[Notre-Dame de Paris, Livre XI, chapitre IV] Gibet de Montfaucon. Date de création: 1844. Numéro d’object: MVHPE2011.0.0046.

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