
How Not to Build Bridges

Zeynep Toufe writes in How Not to Build Bridges that:

...a man got up and identified himself as a post office worker from France and said that outsourcing was a real problem for them, and that jobs were being sent off to the mostly Arab and African French-speaking countries. And then, without even seeming to take note of the irony that those countries spoke French because of France's past colonial practices, pretty brutal ones at that, he said that wanted to draw attention to how call center workers in Morocco were being told to adopt French pseudonyms at the workplace, and how this was depriving them of their identity.

Yes, the postal worker was insensitive, but he do show up at the WSF instead of joining the National Front. Baby steps! Baby steps! Not all of us are born sensitive and progressive. Some of our journeys take many twists and turns. The direct path is only seen after we have arrived.

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