
Personal Weblogs

Robert Heinlein once wrote something like "there are two types of people: aristocrats and democrats. Aristocrats believed that only the best should be able to say what is on their mind. Democrats believe that anyone should be able to do." (Forgive my poor memory but I cannot locate the book in which this was written. I remember it was the story of Lazarus Long and this bowlderised quote is from when the breeding twins were setting up a restaurant.)

This quote seems to exemplifies what is argued in the article referred to in Statement of Audience.

Blogs allow ordinary people to be heard. Their writings reflect their concerns, views, prejudices, hopes, and beliefs. This is a fascinating time in history to be alive. Millions of people all around the world are involved in this activity. No longer we are the passive recipients of information and opinion. We are groping to express what inside of us. This is truly a democratic revolution. What we say matters.

The aristocrats may point out that what we write is banal, trivial, inarticulate, inchoate, or just plain stupid. That may be true, but it is our writing, our thoughts, our opinions. These things may be derived, way off the planet, not properly thought out, but these things are, at least, honest.

A well-educated knave can write a well thought out thesis that moves the human spirit for a price. Witness the knaves who built up the fake war over Iraq. We can only write the simple honest things that we beleive. We know we will be laughed at, scoffed, ignored. This has been our lot throughout history (so far!). We are the surprises that historians puzzle over.

I go with the democrats in all our rude and uncouth ways and manners, not with the aristocrats and their refinements.

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