
Why Bother?

A right-winger, out on the street, asked me why I was bothering? Couldn't I see that the vast majority of people didn't care about the current situation in the world. They were too wrapped up in themselves to see the coming catastrophe of economic collapse, disease, and starvation. They were more worried about choosing a new name for the royal baby in Denmark than about the new anti-terror laws.

Here I was trying to hand out leaflets for the rally on 5 November to protest the new anti-terror laws and not being good at it. People would see the two Muslims on the front of the leaflet and look at me in disgust. It would appear that some people think of the new laws as anti-Muslim instead of anti-dissent. And they approve of that.

This right-winger sees people as being hoodwinked by the media and distracted by all the bright lights. The landscape artists (aka the media) were painting a picture that everything is alright with the world. The system is working in spite of a few minor problems. We should listen to our leaders because they know better.

It is easy to be dispirited. I have seen comrades come and go. They were full of hope that once the eyes of the people were opened, the people would rise up. But the grind of campaigning week after week and getting the occasional response caused them to wilt away. They seem to forget that most people are trying just to survive.

For me, the prospect of a collapse of the Capitalist economy in Australia is horrific with the possible death toll in the millions, maybe ten or more. Even if the chance of a socialist revolution in Australia is a million to one, it is a chance that has to be taken.

My reason for hope is the ongoing revolutions in Venezuela and Argentina where the workers are now running some of the factories and businesses. We can see socialism working to make the lives of poor people better.

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