
Dr Carolus Wimmer

The Australia-Venezuela Solidarity Network <www.venezuelasolidarity.org>proudly presents...

Latin America in Revolt

**Dr Carolus Wimmer**

Deputy to the Latin American Parliament,
International Relations Secretary of the Venezuelan Communist Party

When: Saturday February 25, 6pm

Where:187 Thomas St, Haymarket

As the US war machine bogs down in Iraq, a continent is rising in revolt. Hear outstanding Venezuelan revolutionary Dr. Carolus Wimmer speak about how the new socialist revolution in his country is empowering the poor majority to use the country's vast oil wealth to bring education, health care, housing and dignity to millions of people who were excluded and marginalised under "neoliberal" capitalism. Together with revolutionary Cuba, Venezuela is demonstrating that "another world is possible". Don't miss this opportunity to hear about Venezuela's inspiring alternative.

Cost: $10/5 concession (to cover tour costs)

BOOKINGShighly recommended- seats limited

Ph 9690 1977 or 1800 634 206  HOW to get there? See below!

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