What is a Racist?
I had two interesting discussions on Saturday (11 March 2006) when I was out selling Green Left Weekly. Both of these discussions were about Abbott and Costello press the race button. The front page had the following headline:

Howard's RACIST hypocrisy: Don't let him divide us!
Both discussions were about the use of the Prime Minister's name. The headline implied that John Howard PM was responsible for the racism. The problem is that people see the headline as: Howard's RACIST. They do not see the word, hypocrisy.
One observation that followed was that white people (with one exception) disagreed with the purported headline, while non-whites agreed with it. As Tim Wise once wrote that whites do not see racism because they are the beneficiaries of racism. Indeed, white people are very offended that they would be considered racist.
The first discussion was about whether John Howard PM was a racist or not. The second was about whether calling John Howard a racist achieved anything.
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