

Seth Godin describes some important attitudes of Superheroes.

He offers some basic thoughts about how to handle the paradox. This is especially important for members of Communist Parties.

Superheroes don't have a look, but they definitely have an attitude. They're restless and impatient, but, here's the cool paradox, they're also calm and patient. Patient because they realize that change takes a while. Patient because they understand that if it's worth doing, it's worth getting through the Dip. Impatient and restless, though, because they refuse to accept the status quo. Most of the time, of course, these can't co-exist. Most of the time, the impatient flit. They don't stick it out. Acumen just celebrated their seventh anniversary and this is the year traction is really kicking in.

Emphasis Mine

Far too often, we have party comrades who want to man the barricades from day one instead of the slow grind of building the Party through agitation, propaganda, recruitment, and education. This takes a lot of patience but requires the fuel of impatience to keep going.

It has been 160 years since the publication of The Communist Manifesto, and we only have national Communist governments in Vietnam, Laos, Korea (part), Cuba, Nepal and Venezuela. Communist governments exist at the provincial and municipal level in India and Italy. And there is Communist management of workplaces in Argentina and Spain. China is in a long transition from Communism to Capitalism.

As Capitalism enters yet another crisis, there may be some upsurge in interest in Communism although Fascism has been the preferred option for advanced ecoonomies in dire peril.

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