
Rick Shenkman, American Stupidity

According to Rick Shenkman, American Stupidity may well threaten the existence of the USA.

How much ignorance can a country stand? There have to be terrible consequences when it reaches a certain level. But what level? And with what consequences, exactly? The answers to these questions are unknowable. But can we doubt that if we persist on the path we are on that we shall, one day, perhaps not too far into the distant future, find out the answers?

"Stupid Americans" used to be a cliche uttered by the villian in many a B-grade movie. This would spur the American hero to feats of derring-do that would astonish and overpower his adversaries.

Alas, such sentiments today would only elicit cries of Anti-Americanism! And the populace would relapse into blissful ignorance.

Today, the USA stands on the precipice of the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression. And yet, wilful ignorance is proudly displayed. What a pathetic end to a once-great nation. The greatest Capitalist country ever is about to collapse into a dark age of fear and ignorance without nary a fight.

Shenkman writes:

Five defining characteristics of stupidity, it seems to me, are readily apparent. First, is sheer ignorance: Ignorance of critical facts about important events in the news, and ignorance of how our government functions and who's in charge. Second, is negligence: The disinclination to seek reliable sources of information about important news events. Third, is wooden-headedness, as the historian Barbara Tuchman defined it: The inclination to believe what we want to believe regardless of the facts. Fourth, is shortsightedness: The support of public policies that are mutually contradictory, or contrary to the country's long-term interests. Fifth, and finally, is a broad category I call bone-headedness, for want of a better name: The susceptibility to meaningless phrases, stereotypes, irrational biases, and simplistic diagnoses and solutions that play on our hopes and fears.

Emphasis Mine

In response to my post about No Blood for Oil!, the suggestion was made to drill off the US coast. Forty years after the oil production peaked in the USA (1970), there is apparrently oil just waiting to be discovered off the coast of the USA! Enough to stop all oil imports! Hah!

The USA is going to have to adjust to a lower standard of living. How low? No one knows!

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