
Why makers should think a little bit more like managers (and vice versa)

Seth Godin points to the merging of the manager and maker roles in Why makers should think a little bit more like managers (and vice versa):

Managers need to act more like makers, because making is more important than ever before. Even the most Outlook-driven manager can benefit from finding the isolation to do truly challenging work.

Makers need to be disciplined enough to interact like managers, else they will become pawns in a system they don't sufficiently influence. If you're not present when decisions are getting made, my guess is that you won't like what gets decided...

Emphasis Mine

Here we see the flattening of the Department I organisation giving rise to the worker-manager. It is no longer satisfactory for the worker to surrender all decision-making to their bosses, but it is necessary for the worker to take decision-making upon themselves.

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