
Aboriginal disadvantage worsens

Peter Boyle writes that Aboriginal disadvantage worsens.

The PM insulted the indigenous people by repeating the lie that Australia was just bush before invasion:

Abbott's insults can be understood as part of a disgusting attempt to justify this deepening racial oppression. It perpetuates the racist idea that Aboriginal people are inconsequential, sub-human and their conditions a result of their supposed inferiority.

Green Left Weekly has explained in some detail how the worsening conditions in Aboriginal communities can be traced back to racist cuts to essential services and the funding of Aboriginal-run community organisations by the Coalition government and its ALP predecessors.

That and the fact that Australian governments have refused to deliver real land rights and impose a strong regime of job quotas on private and public employers to address more than two centuries of racial oppression. That's the truth about the shamefully growing gap.

Emphasis Mine

Ordinary workers most likely work and travel with indigenous people everyday. Yet the white-fellows still subscribe to the subjective lies about black-fellow inferiority despite on the objective reality they see daily.

It is very hard to break this stranglehold of Capitalist subjectivity. It is being reinforced daily through our culture: portrayals in the media, opinions of the bosses and overseers.

Standing up to this endemic racism can be economically devastating through loss of job and home. It can also be fatal if one confronts a violent racist.

Maybe the solution for the time-being is to be a guerilla anti-racist.

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