
Ted Rall: Inside the Media Bubble, No One Can Hear Us Scream

Tell Rall writes that Inside the Media Bubble, No One Can Hear Us Scream.

Talk about blaming the victim! Sure, Trump could have hired teams of professional politicos to navigate the peculiarities of each state’s primaries. As a billionaire, he certainly could have afforded them. Why didn’t he? I have no idea.

But why should he have to? Why should Trump, or any other candidate, be subject to such a strange system? Democracy should be simple and straightforward: one person, one vote. All these crazy rules — the signatures required for ballot access, the polls used to determine who gets to debate on television, winner-take-all primaries, superdelegates, delegates secretly pledged to candidates other those they’re sent to the convention to represent, the electoral college — exist for one reason. They exist in order to dilute the influence of we the people so that They — the ruling class — continues to get its way.

When They win, we lose. We lose our jobs. Our standard of living. Our rights.

If you’re like me — on the left and generally unsympathetic to billionaires — you may be tempted to join the media when they dismiss Trump as a whiner. But this is different. In business, Trump is the consummate insider. But he’s a political naïf. When someone as sleazy and unprincipled as Donald Trump is shocked by how dirty politics are, you have to take note.

And if they can steal elections from someone as rich as Donald Trump, there is nothing left of American democracy.

Emphasis Mine


Bernie Sanders is getting the same treatment. The Democratic Party machine is pulling out all stops in order to ensure that Hilliary Clinton gets the nomination.

Sanders and Trump are exposing the corruption at the heart of the US political system.

People should not be surprised at this as the State exists to serve the interests of the ruling class.

Although Trump is a billionaire, he is a rogue capitalist. He is exiled from the ruling class. He is a beneficiary, not a participant.

Sanders has always been an outsider and proud of it.

Yet, the political revolution that Sanders proposes will fail unless the economic relationships that the political system protects is also overthrown.

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