
Andrew Bacevich: How We Learned Not To Care About America's Wars

Andrew Bacevich reveals How We Learned Not To Care About America's Wars.

Bacevich lists the following reasons for why Americans generally care the ongoing wars waged by the USA around the world:

  1. U.S. casualty rates are low.
  2. The true costs of Washington’s wars go untabulated.
  3. On matters related to war, American citizens have opted out.
  4. Terrorism gets hyped and hyped and hyped some more.
  5. Blather crowds out substance.
  6. Besides, we’re too busy.
  7. Anyway, the next president will save us.
  8. Our culturally progressive military has largely immunized itself from criticism.

In other words, the general American population has no skin in the game. War has become an abstraction. There is an immaturity imposed on the American people by the media: adults are doing their thing, and the children should be quiet.

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