
Seth Godin: Hiding from the mission

Seth Godin writes that Hiding from the mission.

The first is refusing to be clear and precise about what the mission is. Avoiding specifics about what we hope to accomplish and for whom. Being vague about success and (thus about failure).

After all, if no one knows exactly what the mission is, it’s hard feel like a failure if it doesn’t succeed.

The second is even more insidious. We degrade the urgency of the mission. We become diffuse. We get distracted. Anything to avoid planting a stake and saying, "I made this."

Emphasis Mine

It is very hard being in a revolutionary party. Our failure is all around us. We have a high turn-over of members. We have members that do not expect to see a successful in their lifetime.

Yet, we must persist. Every day that we survive is a victory. Against the brutal reality of Capitalism, resistance to despair is paramount.

And, as we resist, we strengthen ourselves.

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