
Daniel Little: Brecht on Galileo on science

Daniel Little discusses Brecht on Galileo on science.

In this section of the play, then, Brecht breaks with a common narrative about the Galileo story: the pure and rational scientist who is forced to change his beliefs by an unthinking and authoritarian Church. In that story the scientist is the isolated individual courageously pursuing the truth for its own sake, and the Church is an authoritarian structure which is the antithesis of intellectual freedom. Instead, Brecht tells a more complicated story. It is not just the question of recanting "unacceptable" beliefs; it is the question of devoting one's scientific talents in service to the rich and powerful. Galileo's [Brecht's] fundamental critique is that "science" is allied with "the ruling class".

Emphasis Mine

Science is part of the Ideological State Appartus (ISA) just as religion and mass media are. These are used by the ruling class to justify the status quo.

When the Capitalist class splits as in the Climate Change Crisis, science then becomes the battleground. This is why scientists are being attacked for their conclusions about Climate Change. Their conclusions threaten the existing status quo.

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