
Ted Rall: Israel’s Real Goal in Gaza? To Kill the Buildings

Ted Rall discusses Israel’s Real Goal in Gaza? To Kill the Buildings

Forcing the population of Gaza to flee by destroying the territory’s infrastructure is the war crime of ethnic cleansing, defined in a UN report on the collapse of Yugoslavia as “rendering an area ethnically homogeneous by using force or intimidation to remove persons of given groups from the area.”

An indigenous resistance organization embedded into a civilian population like Hamas cannot be bombed into oblivion; the U.S. experience against the Taliban demonstrates that indiscriminate military action only increases support for your enemy. The IDF is aware of this; their U.S. allies keep reminding them of America’s failed counterterrorism operations after 9/11. Israel is far too aware of its dependence on U.S. political and financial support to think about killing all 2.3 million Gazan Palestinians—which, besides, would also disgust and alienate most Israeli citizens, no matter how enraged they are at Hamas.

Ethnic cleansing with the goal of annexing Gaza is the only plausible explanation for Israel’s behavior since October 7th.

Israel is willing to kill the people. But they’re really out to kill the buildings.

Emphasis Mine

Rall is correct to that the State of Israel is engaged in the war crime of Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza. This is the IDF playing the part of the Waffen-SS in the suppression of their version of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The IDF has now become their historical nemesis. And the Israeli state knows it can commit war crimes with impunity.

Hamas is also a symbol of successful resistance against IDF by forcing the evacuation of the illegal Israeli settlements from Gaza in 2005. By expelling Hamas and all Palestinians from Gaza, the IDF will erase all memory of this humiliation.

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