
More Pigs than Protesters

Dan Clore posted this article about More Pigs than Protesters. The part I found interesting was:

Organisers of the demonstration blamed the protest site and the Government for the lack of interest and poor turn-out. Rob Cole of the Sheffield Green Party said people saw no reason in protesting against a Government which did not listen. Mr Cole, 23, the prospective parliamentary candidate for Sheffield Hallam said: "There is the feeling at the moment that protests are not working.

Emphasis Mine

People, in general, believe that we live in a democracy where the voice of the people guides our rulers. If there are unprecedent protests on the streets, we would expect that the government would listen.

Instead, our choices are presented in a narrow fashion. In the last US presidental election, the candidates from the two major parties were both pro-war. The difference was in the number of troops to be sent to Iraq.

The only protests that seem to work are those that fall within the parameters allowed by the ruling class. The Orange revolution in the Ukraine and the Cedar revolution in Lebanon are in this category. In short, protest works if the ruling class agrees to the demands beforehand.

I think that the risk taken by Bush, Blair, and Howard by ignoring the anti-war protests were justified. There was no way that the protestors were going to take things further if their demands were not met. Indeed, both Bush and Howard have been returned with increased majorities.

On the other hand, it is good for revolutionaries that Bush, Blair, and Howard ignored the protestors because it makes it easier for us to explain that we do not truly live in a democracy, and we need stronger action to achieve democracy in our societies

My previous rant on this subject is at:

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