
Limousine Liberal

I made the following comment to Ted Rall's post about Limousine Liberal:

Thank you for calling Commies-R-Us. All of our revolutionaries are currently busy or in prison.

We at Commies-R-Us do not believe in outsourcing revolution. You can be assured that we use only indigenous revolutionaries although we do use the experience of others throughout the world.

For those of you who insist on waiting for someone to answer your call, may we suggest reading Can American Workers Make a Socialist Revolution? By George Novack?

Have a nice revolution.

And now for something completely different.

According to The CIA World Fact Book, the average GDP per person is USD10,200 (2006 est.). So we have a disparity between the $8.50 derived by dividing up someone's wealth and the average GDP.

I think people tend to obscure the difference between the wealth created by people working and the wealth that is stolen from them by the Capitalists.

Some of that wealth the Limousine Liberal was gained by his own effort but the rest was gained by the exploitation of others. So, in dividing it up is one way of returning but it is still a more part.

A better idea would be to do without the Capitalists. Cut out the middle men.

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