
Use of airstrikes boosted in Iraq

The Use of airstrikes boosted in Iraq as a means of counter-insurgency. Of course, the US military is perfext and there are no mistakes. These magic bombs only kill insurgents. If they are dead, then they were insurgents.

Gen. Petraeus has violated his own counter-insurgency strategy by increasing the use of air-strikes. When will the US military ever learn that they have lost in Iraq?

'The core reason why we see the increase in strikes is the offensive strategy taken by General [David H.] Petraeus,' said Air Force Col. Gary Crowder, commander of the 609th Combined Air Operations Center in Southwest Asia. Because the United States has sent more troops into areas rife with insurgent activity, he said, 'we integrated more airstrikes into those operations.'

The greater reliance on air power has raised concerns from human rights groups, which say that 500-pound and 2,000-pound munitions threaten civilians, especially when dropped in residential neighborhoods where insurgents mix with the population. The military assures that the precision attacks are designed to minimize civilian casualties -- particularly as Petraeus's counterinsurgency strategy emphasizes moving more troops into local communities and winning over the Iraqi population -- but rights groups say bombings carry an especially high risk.

'The Iraqi population remains at risk of harm during these operations,' said Eliane Nabaa, a spokeswoman for the U.N. Assistance Mission for Iraq. 'The presence of individual combatants among a great number of civilians does not alter the civilian character of an area.'

Emphasis Mine

POTUS should just declare victory and get the troops home. They are going to be needed to keep order when the US economy collapses in a depression.

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