
The Support Economy

In The Support Economy: Why Corporations are Failing Individuals and the Next Episode of Capitalism, the authors appear to confused about the nature of Capitalism. However, the book has a good discussion about misogny in advertising.

The authors confuse Capitalism with the existence of enterprises. They appear to confuse the effect of organisation in Capitalism with organisational narcissism. They do not recognise that organisations exist to reproduce Capital.

They condemn organisations for being based around the transaction. They do not recognise that the transaction is the basis for all economic activity. You cannot wish away the transaction without wishing away the economy.

They are correct about the increasing automation of the workplace.

They want to replace the transaction with advocacy.

They advocate a customer orientated organisation similar to the ideas of Tom Peters and Seth Godin.

They explained the long recognisation of women as the consumers (over a century), and how this led to misogny in advertsing.

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