

Seth Godin promotes De-escalation .

There are revolutionaries who want the big finish of the General Strike, the barricades, the storming of the Winter Palace:

The goal then is to create tension, to escalate need, to amplify conflict until action is taken. Escalation causes us to commit to our original need, by reinforcing it.

The cultural norm is always to sharpen the conflict.

Godin proposes:

De-escalation creates connection, not commitment to previously made choices. It trades the short-term battle for the long-term relationship.

Taking our time and letting air in (and heat to escape) might be precisely the best way to build the relationships we need for the long run. It leads to better decisions, less shrapnel and work that truly matters, without regret.

An interesting idea of building Socialism quietly through relationships, instead of conflicts.

It is always tempting to avoid conflicts especially in light of the state's prepondernace of force and brutality. This would leave the workers defenceless against attacks.

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