
Resisting the EduFactory: Education for liberation

Some reflections on Resisting the EduFactory: Education for liberation.

I think the key argument is:

Student activists fight austerity and restructuring not because they feel entitled to study, but because society benefits from spaces for free thought. The university can and should be a place that drives social knowledge and development, not just train cogs for the economy. Everyone should benefit from every new vaccine that is researched, every groundbreaking novel, or revolutionary idea that helps lead to a new more sustainable and democratic society.

Despite what vice-chancellors or advertising executives might say, the university is not a brand. The university is the space for society’s critical consciousness.

It is all about developing human beings. We cannot develop ourselves if are slaving at dreary jobs and are burden with unpaid labour such as childcare, housework, and caring for others.

Each human being deserves the right to be able to better themselves. We must have an economic and political system that allows this.

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