
How U.S. Torture Led to the Rise of ISIS

Barry Ritholtz describes how How U.S. Torture Led to the Rise of ISIS.

Indeed, many of the top ISIS commanders — including Abu Ayman al-Iraqi and Abu Abdulrahman al-Bilawi — were high-level Iraqi officers under Saddam Hussein who were imprisoned at Camp Bucca by American forces.

There was unquestionably widespread torture at Camp Bucca …

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And let's not forget how the CIA gave rise to Al-Qaeda, and through Pakistan's ISI, the Taliban.

Mark Thoma asks What is Wrong with Us?

I find it incredibly sad that people feel they have to make "The Case Against Torture" (NY Times). What is wrong with us?

Emphasis Mine

What do the ruling class care if more terrorists are created? What do they care about the morality or efficacy of torture? The only thing they care about is their continued grip on power.

Since reason has failed as a support for their leadership, then terror and fear will have to do. The more we are frightened and terrorised, the more we need the ruling class.

And it not the rulers, ensconced in their green zones, who are at risk, but we, in the red zone. It is we who have to bear the brunt of the anger, hatred, and reprisals.

We, the workers, have to overcome our fear of the other, our dependence on the Capitalists, our inadequacies in controlling our destinies. Are we to be forever frightened children? Can we not be confident and prudent adults, instead?

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