
Coup plot thwarted in Venezuela

Coup plot thwarted in Venezuela.

Maduro explained that a video of masked military officials speaking out against the government had been recorded, which was set to be released after the planned assassination was carried out.

Venezuelan Minister of Defense Vladimir Padrino Lopez stated via his Twitter account that the armed forces remain loyal to the constitutional government.

“The Bolivarian National Armed Forces remain resolute in their democratic beliefs and reject coup schemes that threaten the peace of the republic,” said Padrino.

According to Maduro, one of the suspects was already under surveillance and had been suspected of plotting against the government during last year's violent demonstrations, but was not charged. Nevertheless, he continued plotting against the democratically-elected government.

The four-stage plan involved creating an economic assault on the country, creating an international debate around a supposed humanitarian crisis, a political coup involving officials who would turn on the government, and finally a military coup that would lead to the installation of the transitional program.

Emphasis Mine

The continued support of the Venezuelan Armed Forces is vital for the survival of the Bolivarian Revolution. Despite American money and influence, they remain loyal to their ideals.

This also shows that the Capitalists are eagar to use military power to overthrow a democracy when they see their policies being thwarted. This is often cast as ‘What we really need is a benign dictatorship’.

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