
Conspiracy Theories as Comfort Food

I think that conspiracy theories are a way for people to comfort themselves with the competence of our evil overlords.

As I read about conspiracy theories and listen to their believers, I notice that there is an unshakeable belief in the efficiency and competence of the conspirators. People ardently believe that the conspirators are capable of maintaining the conspiracy over decades and changes in personnel.

Any objection to the veracity of the conspiracy is immediately countered by a fantastical suggestion. The believers have no doubt that the conspiracy is real. No argument can dislodge that belief.

One thing that the believers cannot abide is incompetence. These conspiracies have been carried out and maintained flawlessly.

It is this fervent faith in competence that gives hope to the believers. Even though the overlords (The British Royal Family, the Bilderburgers, the Illuminati, the Masons, the Catholic Church, the International Communist Conspiracy, the Lizard People, etc) have evil intent, they are supremely competent in implementing their plans. There is a plan, no matter how evil.

This gives comfort to people in that we are being ruled by a competent, disciplined group of people who have a long term plan.

The reality of a mob of squabbling, rich brats who are fighting over short term gains, is too horrible to comtemplate.

It into this squabble among the ruling class that the workers must insert themselves in order to get rationality over the future of humanity. The Capitalists do not know what is best for us; only we do.

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