
Mike Shedlock's Question to Millennials: Why Are You Not Mad as Hell Yet?

Mike Shedlock's Question to Millennials: Why Are You Not Mad as Hell Yet?.

Millennials, why are you not angry about …

  1. Having to pay Social Security when it won't be there for you.
  2. Paying exorbitant taxes for public pension handouts and boomer retirements at age 50 for which you receive negative benefits.
  3. Obamacare for which you overpay to support the obese and the nicotine addicts.
  4. Enormous student debt burdens for which you received little benefit.

Emphasis Mine

Shedlock is under the impression that economic hardship leads directly to political action. He forgets that the dominant ideology of Capitalism controls how people see the world.

Most people can express themselves in terms that are taught to them. In that lexicon, there is no alternative to Capitalism. Any failure is due to the individual, not to the system.

Shedlock also forgets the Occupy Movement, the Anti-Globalisation protests at the beginning of the century, the Anti-Racism marches of BlackLivesMatter, the Anti-War marches of 2003, and the Gay Marriage Movement. Young people are mobilising themselves, but in the ways expected by Libertarians like Shedlock.

Young people need to reflect upon their experiences in these historic movements both by themselves and with others. They need to understand how Capitalism works, and what alternatives there are.

A study of Marxism and allying with a Socialist Party can help with this reflection.

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