
GLW: Who's to blame for Australia's domestic violence crisis?

Liah Lazarou asks Who's to blame for Australia's domestic violence crisis?.

The money exists to fund the kinds of services and programs necessary to enact the changes we desperately need. Imagine if the tens of millions of dollars allocated each day for military expenditure was redirected to vital services such as health centres, rape crisis centres, women's refuges and counselling, education, training and employment services for all women and their dependents.

Or if Australia's biggest corporations were taxed in such a way that a portion of the billions of dollars of profits they make each year had to be spent on public and community education.

Domestic violence is not incidental: it is built into a class system that profits and maintains itself through women's oppression and exploitation. Addressing the underlying cause of violence against women requires ending sexism and gender inequality.

We need a feminism that fights for programs and services to help women survive right now, at the same time as it fights the structures which perpetuate sexism and gender inequality.

Emphasis Mine

Capitalism is a violent system as any system that is based upon exploitation, has to be. Slavery was violent: Feudalism was violent.

The Capitalist's excuse is that humans are naturally violent and greedy, and the system has to accommodate these traits.

But as human beings, we have the ability to transcend our base selves and create a better society. Do we dare to do so, or just accept the current situation?

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