
Seth Godin: Peak Mac

Seth Godin predicts Peak Mac.

One reason for peaking turns out to be success.

Success means more employees, more meetings and more compromise. Success means more pressure to expand the market base and to broaden the appeal to get there. Success means that stubborn visionaries are pushed aside by profit-maximizing managers.

Mostly, a brand's products begin to peak when no one seems to care. Sure, the organization ostensibly cares, but great tools and products and work require a person to care in an apparently unreasonable way.

The best strategy for a growing organization is to have insiders be the ones calling it. Insiders speaking up and speaking out on behalf of the users that are already customers, not merely the ones you're hoping to acquire.

Emphasis Mine

What Godin overlooks is that Capitalism alienates the worker from the product of their labour. The worker does not own the product that they laboured to produced. The Capitalist owns it instead.

As long as ownership is vested in the Capitalist, the worker has no emotional investment in the product.

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