Mike Shedlock: If You Don’t Openly Condemn Hamas, Then Don’t Complain What Happens Next
Mike Shedlock writes If You Don’t Openly Condemn Hamas, Then Don’t Complain What Happens Next
However, it is certain Hamas had swarmed through crowds, killing at least 260 people and taking an unknown number hostage at a music festival.
New Rule: If you cannot openly and honestly blast Hamas for these actions, then do not bother complaining about any response by Israel.
Emphasis in Original
This is a common tactic of all those who support the settler-colonial states—history only starts with something bad happening to the settler-colonial state. This tactic is used to deprive the event of any context and history. It is used to frame the discussion as something bad has happened to 'the good people', and you must condemn 'the bad people'. It is used, as here, as gate keeping—you cannot participate in the discussion unless you accept this statement.
Without understanding the context and the history, you are left with the impression is that these acts occur in a vacuum, and therefore the colonised are simply mindless brutes who must be exterminated because there is no reasoning with them.
This tactic has the negative effect of reinforcing this terrorist behaviour—if the only time you in the issues confronting the colonised is when atrocities occur, then the terrorists have the incentives to commit more horrific atrocities.

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