
Mubarak Awad: 7 steps to end the Cycle of Violence in Israel and Palestine

Mubarak Awad discusses 7 steps to end the Cycle of Violence in Israel and Palestine

For the international community: The two-state solution, unfortunately, is no longer an option. Support solutions that provide rights to all peoples in the region. Keeping Gaza as an open-air prison is criminal. Therefore, have it declared as such, by international and political bodies. Provide humanitarian aid and denounce apartheid. Work for justice and equality.

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The State of Israel has to be subsumed into a secular State of Palestine. The continued brutality of the Israeli occupation feeds the growth of Hamas and successor groups. The initiative for change has to come from the Israelis as they have the power. Individual Israelis should start with passive resistance against participation in the occupation.

A hand releasing a dove into the sky with a flock in the background

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