
on the care and feeding of plants...

Diogenes writes on the care and feeding of plants...

Why must she be denied the basic rights of a plant (i.e. access to food and water)?

My comment was about the 1 billion who do not access to safe drinking water and the 860 million who are starving or malnourished. Thus, plants in the first world are better off than people in the third world.

I followed his link to the great debate and gave up reading one third of the way through. The endless cycles about who decides who lives and dies, and whether starvation is a humane way to die.

My question is why is the life of one white woman more important than 860 million non-whites? We are all quite comfortable with them starving to death.

This is just the Capitalist system reinforcing the propaganda that white people are more valuable than non-whites. 100,000+ Iraqis murdered - yawn! 200,000+ drowned - hey, I gave some money - stop bugging me. Black people dying in the Sudan and other parts of Africa - it's their fault - not mine!

As long as we see the non-whites as non-humans, we perpetuate the Capitalist system. If you like being an exploiter and having other people kill for your benefit, keep supporting the system.

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