
United 93

During the showing of United 93, I had a strong desire to go and kill Muslims. I was frightened by this. What had fired up my blood? It was the sight of innocent people being set up to be murdered.

No reason was given for this slaughter. There was no soul-searching by the murderers. They were just going to kill Americans.

The only indication of a motive is the picture of a Mosque the new pilot clips to the plane's rudder controls.

The armed rebellion is interesting in that the ordinary people sit passively under the violence that is inflicted on them. This is how people are conditioned in the West. We are trained to await our leaders to guide us and help us.

In a way, this movie reveals how an American revolution would unflod. The people would continue to absorb more and more alien information until they realise that the situation is completely hopeless unless they act.

The response of the hijackers, in this movie, is also instructive: they respond with increasing threats of violence to ever increasing acts of defiance. This response eventually fails.

In the real world, the ruling class relies on violence, propaganda, and bribery to maintain control. Thus the task of revolutionaries is much more difficult. Why should people risk their comfort for the unknown?

It is a bit difficult to change pilots once the plane crashes into the building

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