
2 Year Anniversary of Fukushima

Barry Ritholtz posts on the 2 Year Anniversary of Fukushima.

The list of articles presented is disturbing. Nuclear power is so bloody dangerous.

The article concludes:

We don’t mean to pick on Japan. After all, the American government is dictating nuclear policy in Japan. American reactors are even more dangerous than Fukushima. And a secret report confirms that Southern California Edison knew of major problems at the San Onofre nuclear plant… but let the slipshod expansion and remodeling project continue anyway.

As the article, United States: A Fukushima-style disaster is waiting to happen, notes:

The US is just as likely to see a devastating “perfect storm” as Japan.

Another claim is that US nuclear regulators are much more stringent than Japan. But that rings hollow in the face of the facts.

A 2010 study of nuclear plant safety by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) found US plants experienced at least 14 “near misses” last year. The report overview explained that “many of these significant events occurred because reactor owners, and often the NRC, tolerated known safety problems”.

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