
Top 5 Five reasons 2014 was a game-changer for Palestine

Ramzy Baroud gives the Top 5 Five reasons 2014 was a game-changer for Palestine.

  1. A different kind of Palestinian unity
  2. A new resistance paradigm
  3. BDS normalizes debate on Israeli crimes
  4. Parliaments are [f]eeling the heat
  5. Israel’s democracy exposed

Critical to the success of this change has been the resistance and self-determination of the Palestinians themselves. The Gazans were able to thwart the ambitions of the Israeli government.

Also, the part played by solidarity movements throughout the world are undermining the unconditional support given to Israel by other governments.

Certainly 2015 will bring much of the same: The PA will fight for its own existence, and try to maintain its privileges, bestowed by Israel, the US and others by using every tool available; Israel will also remain emboldened by American funds and unconditional support and military backing.

Yes, the next year will also prove frustratingly familiar in that regard. But the new, real and opposing momentum will unlikely cease, challenging and exposing the Israeli occupation, on one hand, and sidestepping the ineffectual, self-serving Palestinian Authority on the other.

Emphasis Mine

67 years of dispossession and genocide has not weakened the Palestinians. It took Panem 8 more years before starting the rebellion.

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