
The bloody history of Australia's race riots

Peter FitzSimons writes The bloody history of Australia's race riots.

In Sydney, the phrase "race riots" conjures up the disgraceful images of Cronulla Beach in 2005, and many have the mistaken impression that our history of such riots starts and finishes there, apart from the odd flare-up. But the truth of it — and it is the foundation stone on which the whole series rests — is that Cronulla was not an aberration, but simply the latest in a long series of race riots we have had.

Throughout, we Australians have shot at each other, thrown stones and insults, knifed and clubbed each other, thrown Molotov cocktails, demonised particular races and religions, and even sworn to wipe certain among us from the face of the earth.

But here is the strange and wonderful thing. After each riot, there has been an extraordinarily uniform response. That is, the broad mass of people reel in horror, get their bearings, and then use the ugliness of the riot as a clear sign of the direction we should not be heading henceforth.

Emphasis Mine

Yet, Muslim women are still harrassed for the way they dress. It is the families of Muslims that are being raided by the anti-terrorist police. It is the non-white refugees that are still being locked up in detention centres, having their boats turned around, dumped on remote islands, or left to drown at sea. It is Aborigines who are demonised and deprived of dignity and neccessities of life.

FitzSimons is part of the same ideological superstructure that they tried to convince the US that racism was dead because Barak Obama was elected president. How many more Fergusons are people going to tolerate before they wake up?

Racism is essential is the survival of Capitalism. As Malcom X said, "You cannot have Capitalism without Racism."

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