
Palestinians ready next Move as UNSC rejects end of Occupation

Juan Cole writes that Palestinians ready next Move as UNSC rejects end of Occupation.

The international community has gotten tired of the games the Israelis are playing, in alleging that there is an ongoing ‘peace process.’ There isn’t. The Israelis consistently refuse to negotiate with the Palestinians in good faith, as I argued in The Nation last week. The Israelis are violating the fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 on the treatment of occupied populations, by flooding their own population into the West Bank. They are keeping Palestinians stateless, which denies them all basic human rights.

Emphasis Mine

Imperialist settler societies think they can ignore public opinion. They are so used to genocide that they do notice it anymore. Genocide has stripped away their own humanity so that they cannot even admit to others having humanity and therefore human rights. They think human rights belong to those with the biggest guns, and are horrified when others use that logic against them.

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