
Fear of public speaking

Seth Godin discusses Fear of public speaking.

I think we define public speaking as any group large enough or important enough or fraught enough that we're afraid of it.

And that makes the solution straightforward (but not easy). Instead of plunging into these situations under duress, once a year or once a decade, gently stretch your way there.

Emphasis Mine

For me, public and private speaking is a nightmare because of my stutter. And it gets very bad whenever I get into stressful situations like discussing revolutionary politics and ideas.

For other people in the party, public speaking involves four (4) main areas:

  1. Branch meetings where policy and action are debated
  2. Classes where socialist ideas are taught
  3. Stalls where discussions and arguments are to had with all and sundry
  4. Rallies and demontrations where crowds are exhorted to action

Revolutionary politics involves a lot of speaking. And if the party is to grow, this speaking has to be done with strangers who need to be persuaded to make a life-changing decision. My stuttering only distracts from the message.

As a very poor subsitute, I have to blog in order to express my ideas, and develop my thoughts.

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