
Greece: Is SYRIZA radical enough?

Ed Rooksby asks Is SYRIZA radical enough?.

The very possibility of this dynamic however is rooted in the moderation of the initial demands—in the way in which these articulate the everyday concerns of the mass of the Greek population. What anti-capitalist forces operating within SYRIZA grasp is that revolutionary social change must emerge from ordinary people’s collective experience of the way in which modest, common sense measures to improve their lives and defend their dignity run up against the limits of what the current order will allow.

This experience thus reveals the system’s essential inhumanity—in a sense we might say its extremism—and demonstrates concretely, in a way that abstract declarations of "the need for socialism" simply do not, the imperative to push beyond capitalist limits in order to secure the very basic conditions for a decent and humane society.

Emphasis Mine

SYRIZA is definitely far more radical than the Capitalists are prepared to tolerate. SYRIZA is demanding that human beings be considered before Capital. That is heresy to the Capitalists.

Workers must find their own way to Socialism. We can suggest paths, but workers must reflect upon their own experiences and desires in order to work out a programme of action.

A communist party is the repository of past experience and theoretical knowledge that is available to the workers. But the workers must make their own conscious transformation and development to Socialism.

Austerity in Europe has awaken people to the objective cruelty in the Capitalist system in the interests of Capital are paramount. But is it enough for people to question the Capitalist system itself?

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