
Dead ends or building blocks?

Chris Dillow writes that policies can be either Dead ends or building blocks?.

We are not going to get a liberal socialist society merely by electing the right government: the Independent's otherwise fascinating "If I were Prime Minster" series misrepresents the nature of politics. But it is possible to gradually — perhaps even imperceptibly shift towards one. We've got ourselves a plutocratic managerialist society without consciously choosing one. Maybe we can get ourselves a socialist one the same way.

Emphasis Mine

Dillow is wrong to think the plutocracy was an unconscious choice. It is a consequence of the Laws of Motion for Capitalism: wealth is concentrated in the hands of the more successful Capitalists.

We cannot create a Socialist society through stealth: the Capitalists are too smart for that to happen. Let's not forget that they are very successful class warriors. They do not depend on luck for their success. They are very conscious of what drives a Capitalist society and the political processes that support it.

The only proven way to advance to Socialism is through the development of the political and cultural consciousness of the working class—not just the vanguard. We must realise ou potential to accept the responsibility of creating a freer society.

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