
"Serious" politics

Chris Dillow writes that "Serious" politics is flummery.

Politics has many ways of creating and sustaining what Paul Krugman calls "Very Serious People" and Nassim Nicholas Taleb "empty suits" — men (generally men) whose judgments (always judgments) are sensible, sober, and wrong. One reason why I'll be voting Green is to reject this flummery.

Another thing: one might ask why there is no political party with entirely sound economics — one that: is concerned about productivity; anti-austerian; pro-market (in the right institutional framework); and egalitarian. But that's another question. 

Emphasis Mine

Dillow writes that the mass media is complicit in framing the economic debate in terms that are acceptable to the Capitalist elite. The system cannot be questioned. Instead, the debate is about how to save the Capitalists from their own stupidity.

The idea of being pro-market is interesting. I suppose I am pro-market in that people should decide how the economy operates. It is ruled through the market of ideas and discussion.

Society, as a whole, should take responsibility for how the productive forces are used.

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