
Reflections on Good Friday

Being Easter Saturday, I decided to pen some thoughts about Good Friday.

Why Did Jesus Die For Our Sin?

This is the question that troubles comrades in my party branch, about Christianity. What kind of God would demand a human sacrifice before he would forgive the sins of people?

Indeed many Christians would present Jesus' death this way. The Cross is said to be the culmination of the Temple sacrifices. The text most quoted in this regard is Ephesians 2:14-16

  • For he is our peace, he who made both one and broke down the dividing wall of enmity, through his flesh,
  • abolishing the law with its commandments and legal claims, that he might create in himself one new person in place of the two, thus establishing peace,
  • and might reconcile both with God, in one body, through the cross, putting that enmity to death by it.
  • As I watch the Americans thirst for blood and vengeance after 11 September 2001, I now realise that St Paul is referring to our legal claims to retaliation and compensation. This is the 'dividing wall of enmity'. Sinning against my neighbour puts this wall up between us.

    Jesus died so that I can forgive my neighbour and accept them back into the community for Jesus has paid the sin debt that my neighbour owed me, and vice verse.

    Being incapable of forgiveness and mercy is then the unforgivable sin for Jesus' sacrifice is spat on. Mercy is not an optional extra of the Christian faith but a fundamental part of it.

    State Terrorism

    During his trial, Jesus was taunted for his powerlessness. (John 19:10-11)

  • So Pilate said to him, "Do you not speak to me? Do you not know that I have power to release you and I have power to crucify you?"
  • Jesus answered (him), "You would have no power over me if it had not been given to you from above. For this reason the one who handed me over to you has the greater sin."
  • Jesus was ridiculed, scourged, paraded, and crucified. We, who claim to follow him, can expect no less.

    A week earlier, the Jesus movement had staged a huge demonstration on Palm Sunday. Now, even his closest friends have deserted him and Peter denies knowing him thrice. So, how can be disappointed with the small crowds on 20 March 2005 when compared to 18 February 2003?

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    BCA Admits Failure of Capitalism - Calls For Socialist Intervention

    Once more, the Business Council of Australia (BCA) rings Alarm bells over infrastructure and decries the failure of Capitalism to provide the necessary investment to maintain itself. They want the government to take the lead in devising a new five (5) year plan to save Capitalism from its own failings.

    DECLARING Australia's infrastructure to be at crisis point, business leaders have called on federal and state governments to combine in a new wave of reform to unleash investment and boost economic growth by a potential $16 billion or 2 per cent.

    "This is a matter only governments can fix," Business Council president Hugh Morgan said yesterday.

    Emphasis Mine

    This is a classic case of Socialism for the Rich; Capitalism for the Poor. When big business gets into trouble, they run crying to the government for a handout. The small business is told to get fucked.

    Yet the small business person blindly supports the economic system that is destroying their lives for a faint promise that they may make it big one day.

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    on the care and feeding of plants...

    Diogenes writes on the care and feeding of plants...

    Why must she be denied the basic rights of a plant (i.e. access to food and water)?

    My comment was about the 1 billion who do not access to safe drinking water and the 860 million who are starving or malnourished. Thus, plants in the first world are better off than people in the third world.

    I followed his link to the great debate and gave up reading one third of the way through. The endless cycles about who decides who lives and dies, and whether starvation is a humane way to die.

    My question is why is the life of one white woman more important than 860 million non-whites? We are all quite comfortable with them starving to death.

    This is just the Capitalist system reinforcing the propaganda that white people are more valuable than non-whites. 100,000+ Iraqis murdered - yawn! 200,000+ drowned - hey, I gave some money - stop bugging me. Black people dying in the Sudan and other parts of Africa - it's their fault - not mine!

    As long as we see the non-whites as non-humans, we perpetuate the Capitalist system. If you like being an exploiter and having other people kill for your benefit, keep supporting the system.

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    Why Disability Studies Matter

    Lennard J. Davis writes on Why Disability Studies Matters:

    Here's where disability studies comes in. If this film were obviously anti-gay, or anti-women, or anti-abortion, the university community would know what to do. That community has been well taught in the areas of race, gender, sexual orientation, and women's rights. Most academics would respect the rights of filmmakers to make any film they want, that is they would protect freedom of speech and creativity. But they would most certainly speak out against films, novels, plays or any artwork that demeaned people of color, gay people, or any oppressed group. Yet the average university student or faculty member still does not have even the most rudimentary understanding of disability as an identity category. In that sense, disability is where race or gender was in the 1950's or earlier.

    Emphasis Mine

    I find this appalling because this reinforces the peurile concept that people cannot think without being told what to think. Here are the most educated people in society being unable to extend their intellect beyond the boundaries what they have learnt. Why a bigoted red-neck has got a better handle on humanity than these university types have. For the former, the disabled are still human beings like them.

    In that sense, most so-called "normal" people do not feel comfortable talking with a person using a wheelchair, a quadriplegic, a Deaf person, a blind person, a person with mental retardation or a person who has been treated for serious mental problems, someone who has cerebral palsy, who is spastic, and so on. That level of comfort one has with normals just isn't there. There will be the hesitancy about making eye contact, the desire to look with the simultaneous avoidance of looking. That behavior alone should tell anyone that the relations between people with disabilities and nondisabled is a problematic and fraught one. Indeed, for most people, it is a relationship based on ignorance and liberal notions of sympathy and pity. In other words, to put the matter bluntly, it is the relation between an oppressor group and an oppressed group.

    Emphasis Mine

    This is a bit over the top. The only economic exploitation occurs at the "sheltered workshop" and at fast-food restaurants where the intellecually disabled are employed. Then it is a matter of degree - the other workers are just as exploited. On the other hand, I find courageous that the firms like Hungry Jacks and KFC have taken this route of putting people with Down's Syndrome into the public arena. (OK! Not all Capitalists are cold heartless bastards.)

    For a Communist, the analysis of oppression begins with the economic relationship. The only economic relationship between the "normals" and the rest of us is that the "normals" consider the economic cost of keeping us alive too alive. They would rather be spending money on cars, plasma TVs, and other consumer items.

    Disability studies has the potential to make people see that the world has been designed to exclude many people with disabilities from the wheel chair user to the person with cognitive or affective disorders. People need to know the way that poverty is interwoven with disability so that even now more than 60 per cent of people with disabilities in the US are unemployed, and throughout the world two-thirds of the disabled live in poverty.

    Oh great! Another fucking university course on how to be a decent human being or at least pretend to be.

    The secret is EMPATHY.

    We do not need symposia, lectures, magazines, etc. We just need people to open their fucking eyes and their hearts to see the world through our eyes (metaphorically speaking). You do not need a PhD to have humanity.

    My previous rants on this subject are at:

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    How the Democratic Party Creates Conservatism

    M.Junaid Alam explains how How the Democratic Party Creates Conservatism by not being duplicates of the Republicans, but

    If Democrats simply paralleled Republicans, they would be politically redundant. But the Democrats are not duplicative - they are duplicitous. Peddling slightly less reactionary programs and packaging them in more appealing rhetoric, they soften up, placate and paralyze possible popular opposition to right-wing attacks. This creates the groundwork for future assaults by the Right. The Republican agenda, ugly, brutal, and brazen as it is, could not possibly pierce the public on its own - but the sordid record of Democratic appeasement has locked, loaded, and enabled right-wing advances.

    Emphasis Mine

    In Australia, the ALP performs the same role as the Democratic Party does in the USA. However, the ALP is the more right wing party of the two in Australia as it was the Hawke and Keating governments that deregulated the banks, emasculated the unions through the Accord and IR thuggery, attacks on Social Security and refugees. John Howard is actually rolling back some of the ALP policies especially in the area of refugee rigthts.

    What makes this process so poisonous is a unique combination of American pragmatism and American political structure. American pragmatism, or the popular public understanding of politics, dictates that at the end of the day there must be an end to bickering and some sort of bipartisan compromise - a ‘fair middle between extremes,’ like the philosophy behind Aristotle’s Golden Mean. American political structure, or the structure of two dominant parties, fosters the assumption that each party exists in opposition to one another, creating a kind of symmetrical polarization. Pragmatism and politics, then, should neatly overlap: the political center should lie between the two parties.

    This charade is further expanded into the blogosphere where the left-wing and right-wing bloggers carrying on this phony war. Anyone outside of this permissible range of opinion is portrayed as dangerously mad.

    ... It is possible here only to point to two potential factors driving Democratic acquiescence: the absence of socialist pressure due to the collapse of the Soviet experiment, and the presence of capitalist pressure brought upon by the relative decline of the US economy compared to China and the European Union. This pincer movement of ideological triumphalism and economic straitjacketing may be severely limiting the basis for even modest genuine Democratic progressivism.

    Here I disagree with the author: the "so-called left-wing parties" have always existed in the Capitalist system to maintain the illusion that we live in a democracy in which we have two (2) distinct choices. Any other choices are quickly destroyed or absorbed as Ms Pauline Hanson found out.

    The road to justice, on the other hand, must be created by the people themselves, because it is their own collective future that is at stake. It is precisely the task of our times to work side by side with those millions of Americans victimized by modern capitalism - workers, women, veterans, people of color, and immigrants – and join them in carving out the path that will lead all of us toward a more secure and humane future.

    This is an anarchist illusion that the people will arise of their own accord. Small sporadic uprisings like Redfern, Palm Island, Lakemba, and Macquarie Fields will continue to occur. The police for all their failings are quite adept at containing these outbursts.

    The Leninist perspective (to which I subscribe) is that a party is needed to gather together revolutionaries to educate and train ourselves in the tasks necessary to overthrow the Capitalist system while remaining part of the Proletariat. The party is the not the elite - it consists of the most aware (in Marxist terms, the advanced workers - those understand better what is going on and are prepared to do something about it.)

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    'Arab Spring' of democracy owes thanks to George Bush

    I agree with Miranda Devine that 'Arab Spring' of democracy owes thanks to George Bush. What is happening in the Middle East is that pro-US and pro-Israeli governments are putting on the veneer of respectability (ie democracy). The not-so-pro governments are trying to discern what they need to do to survive.

    As we know in Australia, democracy is really the choice between two unpalatable alternatives. Egypt going to extend this to three making them more democratic than either the USA or Australia.

    In Lebanon, the bourgeois are in favour of getting a pro-Israeli government while the proletariat are in favour of anchluss with Syria. This is class war played out in the streets. As long as the capitalists control the media, the Lebanese bourgeois will win the propaganda war. If either the Lebanese or Syrian bourgeois win this struggle, the Lebanese proletariat will still lose (although they may lose less under the Syrian bourgeois).

    US intervention in the Middle East indicates that Israel has failed in its mission to police the region. If the US can no longer on Israel to protect US interests in the region, what need has the US for Israel?

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