
American Drones KIll 28 Innocent People for Every "Bad Guy"

Ted Rall writes that American Drones KIll 28 Innocent People for Every “Bad Guy”.

As a frequent critic of U.S. government policies, I’ve sometimes worried that Obama might sic one of his killer air robots on me. Thanks to Reprieve, I feel relieved. Even if Obama targets me, after all, it’s likely I’ll be reported killed multiple times while remaining alive and well…while hundreds of random people walking the streets get blown up willy-nilly.

Obama’s remote-control drone murderers are the embodiment of evil in the 21st century: careless, alienated, remote, bloodless. They also symbolize contemporary political culture: arrogant, corrupt and stupid.

Emphasis Mine

The US military kills 28 innocent people for every terrorism suspect! If that is not a war-crime, I do not what is.

No wonder the US government does not want to subscribe to the International Criminal Court: most of the high officials in the US government and military would awaiting trial.

Yet as Malcolm X said, the media has made us hate the oppressed and love the oppressor. Most of the reporting is about how these drone strikes are keeping us safe. Legality is reserved for those in control. Indeed, there is a means and residency test on legality: you have to have sufficient income and reside in the right place to be able afford the nicety of legality.

So much for the Capitalist promise of equality before the law.

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