
Challenging the globalisation of indifference: Pope Francis meets with popular movements

Judith Marshall, from Steelworkers Humanity Fund reflects on Challenging the globalisation of indifference: Pope Francis meets with popular movements

After the three days in Rome with the popular movements, the Pope, then has continued to take the church into the centre of the ideological battle grounds of neoliberalism, firm in his determination to make the contemporary church walk with the poor and excluded and discarded. The popular movement participants have returned to their organisations and the day to day struggles for land, housing and work. The moments of dialogue in Rome have served to strengthen the convictions of both the church and the popular movements that these are the right battles to be fighting.

The problem with the Catholic Church's stance is that Communism and Socialism are still anathema. Membership of a Communist party is grounds for excommunication.

So the Church wants the luxury of criticising Capitalism without proposing an economic and political alternative.

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