
Rand Paul Proves That the American Political System is Broken

Ted Rall writes that Rand Paul Proves That the American Political System is Broken.

I am tempted to argue that Paul is wrong, and that he would be better off personally as well as politically sticking to his guns. After all, he has, or at least has had, these popular positions all to himself. Why follow the lead of Al Gore, who foolishly decided not to emphasize his credibility as an environmentalist in 2000?

Be that as it may, let's focus on the big takeaway: the perception among the political class that, to be electable, you have to adjust your positions to conform to the banal, the uninspired, the illegal, with total disregard for the will or the greater good of the American people.


Emphasis Mine

What better example of the corruption of the political system under Capitalism than that fomerly principled people like Rand Paul adjust their principles so that they can get enough money from the plutocrats in order to run for elected office. This is something his father never did.

Paul's principles may be wrong in their understanding of how society work, but he and his father fought for them against a hostile media and political machine of the Republican Party.

Those principles were the legitimate expression of the petite bourgeoisie. They were libertarian in nature because they were the yearning of a class who saw Capitalism as dynamic and inclusive. With the conversion of Paul on the road to Washington, these yearnings are no longer articulated by a national political figure. The petite bourgeoisie are now silenced like the working class.

This silencing of the petite bourgeoisie is dangerous in that they are more likely to turn to fascism in order to gain political expression to their economic yearnings. Although fascism has initially been a reaction against the plutocrats, the latter have always been successful into fashioning fascism to their own ends and destroying any residual resistance by the working class.

The reason for this relatively easy subversion of fascism is that fascism has a very poor understanding of how Capitalism works. Due to the ideological blindess, fascism totally rejects the Marxist critique of Capitalism. It is without this anchor in reality that Marxism provides, fascism eventually drifts into the maws of the hated Plutocrat.

The working class are the only ones who can correctly use Marxism to understand how Capitalism works and can be overthrown. The reason is that the working class daily lives the class conflict and experiences the exploitation and alienation under Capitalism. The petite bourgeoisie are blind to these things out of necessary for them to function in a Capitalist society.

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