
Movie Review: Home (2015)

The movie, Home, is Anti-American propaganda.

I have decoded the movie as follows:

  • The Boov are the Americans
  • The Gorg are the Muslims
  • Oh is Edward Snowden
  • Captain Smerk is the American Government

Captain Smerk steals a valuable artifact from the Gorg, This artifact is literally the future of the Gorg. Smerk does not understand why the Gorg want this artifact so badly, but uses his possession of it as his claim to power.

In a similar way, the American government steals the future of the Muslim Arabs from them by controlling their oil reserves. It is this control of oil that allows the USA to dominate the world's economy. The US government cannot understand why the Arabs want to use their oil for their own development rather than for the maintenance of US power.

In terror, the Boov flee the Gorg. The mere mention of the Gorg sends the Boov into panic. Captain Smerk proposes the invasion of Earth as the solution to their problem. He assures them that the population of Earth would be well taken care of, and would welcome the Boov as liberators. Since Boov technology is far superior to anything on Earth, the invasion is easily accomplished.

The panic after 11 September 2001 sent the US government on a series on invasions and interventions around the world: Afghanistan, the Phillipines, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Libya, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, etc. The superiority of US weaponery made these easy for the US military. In Iraq, especially, the US troops were told that they would be welcomed as liberators.

What is striking about the movie is the Boov invade homes and snatch terrified people. The Boov round up all of the Earth's population and resettles them in refugee camps in the middle of the Australian desert. (This would infuriate any Australian government.) The population of Earth are understandably angry at the Boov for this rough treatment.

The Boov cannot understand why the population of Earth should be so angry with them. 'Tip' is especially angry at the descretion of cerished cultural artifacts by the Boov. Her main gripe is the turning the head of the Statue of Liberty into a likeness of Smerk.

Oh causes a crisis releases an e-mail to the entire universe. This causes Oh to become a furgitive.

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