
Britain: Jeremy Corbyn campaign gives voice to austerity anger

Britain: Jeremy Corbyn campaign gives voice to austerity anger.

A hollowed-out Labour Party may prove unwilling to tolerate a figure like Corbyn, who will attract full hostility from political, economic and media elites. But the movement to get him elected as leader is clearly giving voice to deep-seated anger at the pro-rich policies of both Britain's major parties — and a desire for Labour to provide an alternative from the ruling Conservative Party.

Emphasis Mine

Even if Corbyn wins and survives a coup, this will detract from building a mass movement because such a win reinforces the lie that the right leader can things back on track.

Workers need to really understand that the whole system is rigged against them—it is not that the wrong people are running the system.

However, this requires a huge leap in the development of the working class consciousness.

Even in Greece after all that has happened, the great majority of people want to stay in the Capitalist system. They just want the system to be less brutal towards them.

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