
Is radical leftism a trap for minorities?

Noah Smith asks Is radical leftism a trap for minorities? .

But ultimately, hopping on the radical leftist boat will hurt minorities. And I suspect that leftists in the humanities are doing minorities no favors by trying to convince them that radical leftism is their only hope, when in fact it is a self-defeating strategy.

So what will work? If history is any guide, the only option is to increase tolerance. I don't pretend to know how to increase tolerance. For immigrant groups, it seems to naturally fade over time, especially if those groups 1) organize to fight discriminatory policy, and 2) make a bunch of money. For African-Americans, intolerance seems much more entrenched. I don't pretend to know how to get rid of it, but I am pretty sure that a militant overthrow of capitalism would make things much, much worse.

Emphasis Mine

Smith does not see Capitalism, in itself, as oppressive. It is merely intolerance that is the problem. He sees intolerance as something to be done away with while preserving Capitalism.

Indeed, he does not see class analysis as useful for analysing anything useful under Capitalism.

I think Smith understands Marx's critique of Capitalism, but does not see himself as involved in any form of class war. He is a disinterested observer of the political economy. For him, Socialism has proven to be a failure and is not an alternative to Capitalism.

He believes himself to be on the right side of history. Yet, history is being made daily in the streets of Athens, Caracas, Havana, Bogata, and Rojava. There the oppression of Capitalism is most keenly felt, and most vigorously resisted as alternatives are built.

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