
Greece: 'Why we must support a SYRIZA government'

Andrew Burgin writes Greece: 'Why we must support a SYRIZA government'.

The defence of a workers’ government in Greece will not just be a test for those in SYRIZA itself but it will be a test for all who consider themselves socialists across Europe. A defeat in Greece will open the path to Golden Dawn, an openly neo-Nazi organisation and that would strengthen reaction across the continent.

It will be the responsibility of the labour and trade union movement here and elsewhere to come to the aid of this government. We will need to support the measures it takes and work to strengthen it against its enemies, to help it withstand those pressures. We will need to build international networks of support and political and material aid.

Emphasis Mine

We are at a critical juncture in history. Neoliberalism is being directly challenged by ordinary people. Yet, we must take action to prevent the fascist reaction in defense of Capitalism.

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