
Mike Shedlock: Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, Names Three Prerequisites for Peace

Mike Shedlock discusses Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, Names Three Prerequisites for Peace

One thing I missed is “Gaza deradicalization”. Will that take months, years, or decades? How does that work? Is it even possible?

Assuming it is possible, Israel will have to prove itself. That will take investment in Gaza, more services, and more jobs. Mistrust is not one-sided.

Israel needs to build enough trust so that the ordinary Palestinian will be willing to hand over extremists and report extremist plans.

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Shedlock subscribes to the myth that the radicalization of Palestinians has nothing to do with the actions of the Israeli state over the past 75 years, nor to the genocidal ideology of Zionism. This myth posits that Palestinian radicalization originates solely with the anti-Semitism of the Palestinians, and therefore the solution to this radicalization is with education of Palestinians about the benevolence and good intentions of the Israeli state.

The reality of Palestinian radicalization lies in the daily oppression by the IDF in the West Bank and Gaza (aka "The Occupied Territories"). Palestinians are radicalised through daily humiliations by IDF and Israeli settlers. They are radicalised by the genocidial rhetoric of Zionism that is espoused explicitly by the Israeli far-right and condoned by the Israeli centre.

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Paul Gregoire: Labor votes down Lidia Thorpe’s bill to uphold First Nation’s rights in law

Paul Gregoire discusses Labor votes down Lidia Thorpe’s bill to uphold First Nation’s rights in law.

Senator Lidia Thorpe had introduced the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Bill 2022. This was defeated in the Senate 27-10 despite the essence of the bill being just requiring the PM to report to parliament how well the Australian government is complying with the UNDRIP.

“Australia is especially violent when compared amongst the other English-speaking settler colonies,” Mununjali Yugambeh and South Sea Islander Professor Chelsea Watego, author of Another Day in the Colony, told the UNDRIP roundtable.

“We are familiar with terra nullius. We were deemed so subhuman that we lacked any Indigenous political sovereignty. And while we had the Mabo decision, that idea that our Indigenous political sovereignty not be recognised still remains firmly intact, as we saw today.”

The “violence is enacted” against First Peoples via all Australian institutions, she said. The UNDRIP held an opportunity for a way forward, and the current “needs-based approach” taken to First Nations affairs restricts self-determination.

This rights-denying system, Watego said, results in local First Peoples remaining the most incarcerated people on the planet. “The evidence base is clear here: the state is insisting on perpetrating violence on Indigenous peoples.”

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We, white Australians, have to accept that we are beneficiaries of a racist system. We are not the primary beneficiaries as these are the Capitalists and Rentiers. However, we are enough of beneficiary to be complicit in this racist violence.

With the failure of the Voice to Parliament referendum, the momentum towards greater recognition of Indigeneous rights has slipped back. We have to educate ourselves about the truth of Australian history and support movements for Indigineous rights.

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Ted Rall: Cut Israel Loose

Ted Rall says that the USA should Cut Israel Loose

Israel has nearly exhausted the world’s patience. The amount of time that it can continue to wage war against Gaza without being isolated as a pariah state is measured in months, perhaps weeks. More embassy closings are coming. Sanctions will follow.

The United States should prepare itself for the next step: cutting Israel loose. This means cutting off military aid and logistical assistance, no more blank checks for its actions against Palestine. In just two months, American domestic public opinion has reversed, with a majority of young Americans now opposed to further assistance to Israel. Older voters are not far behind.

Getting back to the question raised at the beginning of this essay: if we were considering the question anew, free of the burden of history, would we embrace Israel as it looks and acts today? Would we supply them with weapons to bomb Gaza? Of course not.

We may or may not be able to stop Israel from its reckless and murderous carpet-bombing of Gaza. We certainly don’t have to be joined at the hip as they commit war crimes. Our alliance with Israel has outlived its usefulness.

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Rall is wrong. The USA has been defying world opinion since the 1960s. Witness the persistent Cuban blockade despite the UN General Assembly condemning it annually.

The global hegemon demonstrates its power by defying the protestrations of the less powerful as in The Melian Dialogue:

The Athenians offer the Melians an ultimatum: surrender and pay tribute to Athens, or be destroyed. The Athenians do not wish to waste time arguing over the morality of the situation, because in practice might makes right—or, in their own words, "the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must".

The Melians argue that they are a neutral city and not an enemy, so Athens has no need to conquer them. The Athenians counter that if they accept Melos' neutrality and independence, they would look weak: Their subjects would think that they left Melos alone because they were not strong enough to conquer it.

The Melians argue that they will have the assistance of the gods because their position is morally just. The Athenians counter that the gods will not intervene because it is the natural order of things for the strong to dominate the weak.

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The USA has to continue to defy world opinion lest they thought to be weak and lose their hegemonic status.

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Gutema Imana Keno: Some Notes on the Past of Oromo Society: The Story about Akkoo Manooyyee in Focus

Dr. Gutema Imana Keno (Haramaya University) discusses Some Notes on the Past of Oromo Society: The Story about Akkoo Manooyyee in Focus.


Imana (2023) firmly rejects Bamberger's (1974) hypothesis that the prevalence of the myths of matriarchy only justifies the existing patriarchy rather than recalling a historical transition from matriarchy to patriarchy. Imana relies on the consistency of the myths of the Oromo culture to that matriarchy was a historical fact in that culture.

While Imana (2023) is a valuable contribution for the study of matriarchical myths, the evidence presented does not convincely refute Bamberger (1974).

Historical Timeline

Imana (2023, p.4) writes:

Though the beginning and end of each of the categories of time indicated above cannot be known, the scanty but existing oral traditions of the Oromo seem to indicate the fact that for a long period before the emergence of patriarchy, Oromo society used to be matriarchal, or at least matrilineal. However, it should be underscored that the patriarchal system of the Oromo that came possibly with the gradual decline of the matriarchal system was not similar to the patriarchal system of the Westerners presented in different literature. Oromo society had never practised a hierarchical system of rule or governance, unlike western societies and the Abyssinians. Oromo society has been exposed to the Abyssinian's hierarchical political structure and alien cultures mainly since the beginning of the second half of the 19th century (Jalata and Schaffer, 2013).

The patriarchal system of the Oromo seems to have been started sometime before the beginning of the Gadaa system [>5,000 years ago] with the gradual rise of the system of private property and the development of marriage culture and the consequent men-headed families. Until then, it seems that women played unequivocal roles as mothers, leaders, and organizers of their society for thousands of years (Infs: Gabramlaak, Abduqaadir, and Ahmad Galatoo).

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Imana does not consider matriarchy and patriarchy to be hierarchical system of rule or governance. Imana is confused about these terms. Matriarchy and patriarchy are systems in which political power is vested primarily with a particular gender.

Imana follows Engels (1942, p.44) in that the patriarchy arose to take ownership of private property (herds in a pastorial society).

Against Bamberger

Imana (2023, p. ) writes:

Bamberger, in her 1974 work, specifically argued that stories and fables about female rule in ancient times do not reflect a previous history of matriarchy but instead were "social charters" created for male dominance. Considering the stories about the rule of women in Amazonian societies, she came to the conclusion that the stories themselves justify the rule of men by providing an alternative to an imagined society dominated by women. According to her, the stories justify the fact that women did not know how to handle power properly when in possession of it and, consequently, justify the inferiority of their present position. Therefore, according to her, stories about matriarchy are arguments for patriarchy. However, it is difficult to dismiss the stories about matriarchy as the orchestration of men to deny women political power. If women did not occupy any significant political power in the ancient past and if they were not threats to men’s power, what forced men to ideologically contest for power? It is also odd to discredit stories about matriarchy to functionally justify that men were in rule from the beginning and women were always subordinate to men in all aspects. The fact that stories about matriarchy exist in different parts of the world and in different societies seems to strongly suggest that there was a time when women had a certain political power, whether it was under a matriarchal system or under other socio-political arrangements. In this paper, therefore, the denial of the existence of the matriarchal period in human history is considered to be counterfeit and problematic.

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Imana does faithfully sumarise Bamberger (1974). Imana rejects Bamberger's arguments by saying the prevalence of the same structure to these myths indicates the historical reality of matriarchy.


Both Bamberger (1974) and Imana (2023) agree on the same structure for the myths:

  1. Matriarchy existed since time eternal
  2. Men are eventually oppressed by the matriarchy
  3. Men overthrow the matriarchy
  4. There can be no return to matriarchy

There is a wide variance in the reasons and nature of the oppression of men by the matriarchy. For Bamberger, this variance indicates that these myths are ahistorical and only serve to justify the current status quo of a patriarchy.


The structure of the matriarchical myths from the Oromo culture matches that was articulated in Bamberger (1974). This similarity does not refute Bamberger's hypothesis, rather the similarity strengthens the hypothesis.

The existence of these matriarchical myths in both hunter-gathers and pastorialists refutes the acquisition of private property as the impetus for the rise and evolution of the patriarchy.


Bamberger, J. (1974). The myth of matriarchy: why men rule in primitive society. Women, culture and society, 263-80.

Engels, F. (1942). The origin of the family. Current Book Distributors.

Imana, G. (2023). Some Notes on the Past of Oromo Society: The Story about Akkoo Manooyyee in Focus. East African Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 8(1), 1-16.

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Ted Rall: Israel’s Real Goal in Gaza? To Kill the Buildings

Ted Rall discusses Israel’s Real Goal in Gaza? To Kill the Buildings

Forcing the population of Gaza to flee by destroying the territory’s infrastructure is the war crime of ethnic cleansing, defined in a UN report on the collapse of Yugoslavia as “rendering an area ethnically homogeneous by using force or intimidation to remove persons of given groups from the area.”

An indigenous resistance organization embedded into a civilian population like Hamas cannot be bombed into oblivion; the U.S. experience against the Taliban demonstrates that indiscriminate military action only increases support for your enemy. The IDF is aware of this; their U.S. allies keep reminding them of America’s failed counterterrorism operations after 9/11. Israel is far too aware of its dependence on U.S. political and financial support to think about killing all 2.3 million Gazan Palestinians—which, besides, would also disgust and alienate most Israeli citizens, no matter how enraged they are at Hamas.

Ethnic cleansing with the goal of annexing Gaza is the only plausible explanation for Israel’s behavior since October 7th.

Israel is willing to kill the people. But they’re really out to kill the buildings.

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Rall is correct to that the State of Israel is engaged in the war crime of Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza. This is the IDF playing the part of the Waffen-SS in the suppression of their version of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The IDF has now become their historical nemesis. And the Israeli state knows it can commit war crimes with impunity.

Hamas is also a symbol of successful resistance against IDF by forcing the evacuation of the illegal Israeli settlements from Gaza in 2005. By expelling Hamas and all Palestinians from Gaza, the IDF will erase all memory of this humiliation.

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Michelle Berkon: Australia has a problem with truth-telling

Michelle Berkon discusses Australia has a problem with truth-telling.

In colonial settler projects the world over, language and law are the tools of white supremacism, glorifying the colonial entity, erasing Indigenous ownership of coveted land and property, and criminalising resistance.

The inscription on Governor Lachlan Macquarie’s statue in Hyde Park is a perfect example.

This man arrived on these shores with child slaves — two young boys purchased in India. He authored the Appin Massacre, the murder of 14 Dharawal and Gundungurra men, women and children.

He strung up on trees the corpses of two of these men, Cannabaygal and Dunnell; and had the skull of one sent to Scotland as a trophy.

This man is described as “a perfect gentleman, a Christian and supreme legislator of the human heart”.

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As we are witnessing the genocide in Palestine, the Western media is promoting the colonial-settler project in Israel by:

  • downplaying the atrocities committed by the IDF;
  • portraying Palestinian resistance as terrorism;
  • downplaying the confiscation of Palestinian land by Israeli settlers;
  • denying the existence of Palestine.

No wonder the ruling class wants to protect statues as the statues justify the current status quo of a white supremist culture.

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Joan Bamberger: The Myth of Matriarchy

Joan Bamberger discusses The Myth of Matriarchy


Matriarchy does not exist today in any society. The historical existence of matriarchy remains disputed. There is no evidence from myths that the adoption of settled agriculture caused the shift from matriarchy to patriarchy. The myth of the matriarchy hampers the women's movement by diverting attention away from changing existing gender relations.

Origin of Matriarchical Studies

Bamberger (pp. 263-4) writes:

The earliest and most erudite study of matriarchy was published in Stuttgart in 1861 by the Swiss jurist and classical scholar Johann Jakob Bachofen. His Das Mutterrecht (Mother right: an investigation of the religious and juridical character of matriarchy in the ancient world) had an impact on nineteenth-century views on the evolution of early social institutions. Arguing from mainly poetic and frequently dubious historical sources (Hesiod, Pindar, Ovid, Virgil, Horace, the Iliad and the Odyssey, Herodotus, and Strabo), Bachofen tried to establish as moral and historical fact the primacy of “mother right,” which he thought sprang from the natural and biological association of mother and child. Matriarchy, or the dominion of the mother “over family and state,” according to Bachofen, was a later development generated by woman’s profound dissatisfaction with the “unregulated sexuality” that man had forced upon her. A gradual series of modifications in the matriarchal family led to the institution of individual marriage and “the matrilinear transmission of property and names.” This advanced stage of mother right was followed by a civil rule by women, which Bachofen called a “gynocracy.” The rule by women was overthrown eventually by the “divine father principle,” but not before mother right had clearly put its stamp on a state religion. Indeed, it was this sacred character of matriarchy, founded on the maternal generative mystery, that represented for Bachofen the bulk of his evidence in favor of ancient matriarchies. (Italics in original

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Bachofen started matriarchical studies by postulating that the generative power of females was the basis for the political system of matriarchy. His contributions also include:

  • Use of myths to reconstruct historical events
  • Postulate that patriarchy replaced matriarchy directly
  • Postulate that ideology initiated this replacement—this follows the Hegelian Dialects that was prevalent at the time (1860's)

Myths Used to Study History

Bamberger (pp.266-7) writes:

Since the publication of Das Mutterrecht this “virgin territory” has been explored by a horde of archaeologists and social anthropologists. Their diligent searches into the prehistory of Mediterranean cultures as well as into the present conditions of primitive societies around the world have not uncovered a single undisputed case of matriarchy. Even the Iroquois, once a stronghold for “matriarchists,” turn out to be matrilineal only, although Iroquois society still comes the closest to representing Bachofen’s ideal “gynocratic state,” since Iroquois women played a decisive role in lineage and village politics. Yet in spite of the substantial power wielded by women, men were chosen consistently as political leaders. At most, the Iroquois today are considered a “quasi-matriarchy ” (Wallace, 1971).

To have cast doubt, as I have just done, on the historical evidence for the Rule of Women is not the same thing as challenging the significance of the mythologies of matriarchy. The main issue would seem not to be whether women did or did not hold positions of political importance at some point in prehistory, or even whether they took up weapons and fought in battle as the Amazons allegedly did, but that there are myths claiming women did these things, which they now no longer do. This mythological status of primitive matriarchies poses as interesting a problem as any generated in the nineteenth century about the credibility or viability of matriarchy as a social system. Undoubtedly the false evolutionism and mistaken prehistory led to the obfuscation of any real contribution Bachofen might have made to the study of myth, since he did not consider that the “events ” related by myths need not have a basis in historical fact. (Italics in original

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At the time (1971), Bamberger could not find a case of matriarchy in existing primitive societies. This absences contradicts the hypothesis that settled agriculture allowed patriarchy to replace matriarchy.

The prevalence of myths of matriarchy and its replacement by patriarchy strengthens the hypothesis that this was a real historical event.

Bamberger (p.267) writes:

Rather than replicating a historical reality, myth more accurately recounts a fragment of collective experience that necessarily exists outside time and space. Composed of a vast and complex series of actions, myth may become through repeated recitation a moral history of action while not in itself a detailed chronology of recorded events. Myth may be part of culture history in providing justification for a present and perhaps permanent reality by giving an invented “historical” explanation of how this reality was created.

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This methodology permits myths to be interrogated in order to reconstruct the transition from matriarchy to patriarchy as an experience.

Matriarchy Myth as Tool of Oppression

Bamberger (p.280) concludes:

Myth and rituals have been misinterpreted as persistent reminders that women once had, and then lost, the seat of power. This loss accrued to them through inappropriate conduct. In Tierra del Fuego the women tricked the men into performing both male and female chores; and in the northwest Amazon they committed the crime of incest. The myths constantly reiterate that women did not know how to handle power when they had it. The loss is thereby justified so long as women choose to accept the myth. The Rule of Women, instead of heralding a promising future, harks back to a past darkened by repeated failures. If, in fact, women are ever going to rule, they must rid themselves of the myth that states they have been proved unworthy of leadership roles.

The final version of woman that emerges from these myths is that she represents chaos and misrule through trickery and unbridled sexuality. This is the inverse of Bachofen’s view of pre-Hellenic womanhood, which he symbolized as a mystical, pure, and uncorrupted Mother Goddess. The contrast between mid-Victorian notions of the ideal woman (they are not those of ancient Greece, as Bachofen supposed) and the primitive view, which places woman on the social and cultural level of children, is not as great as it appears. The elevation of woman to deity on the one hand, and the downgrading of her to child or chattel on the other, produce the same result. Such visions will not bring her any closer to attaining male socioeconomic and political status, for as long as she is content to remain either goddess or child, she cannot be expected to shoulder her share of community burdens as the coequal of man. The myth of matriarchy is but the tool used to keep woman bound to her place. To free her, we need to destroy the myth.

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Bamberger argues that since the myths of matriarchy posits an unrealistic view of women, the pursuit of a return to matriarchy (however imagined) precludes the inclusion of women into existing power structures.


Bachofen, J. J. (1967). Selections Myth, Religion, and Mother Right: Selected Writings. Princeton University Press.

Bamberger, J. (1974). The myth of matriarchy: why men rule in primitive society. Women, culture and society, 263-80.

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Sam Williams: Palestine

Sam Williams discusses Palestine

This brings us to another reason: imperialism needs to keep anti-Semitism alive after the Holocaust. Israel claims to be the state of the entire Jewish people whether they live in Israel or not, enabling U.S. imperialism to direct the hatred Israel inevitably creates among the Palestinians, other Arabs, as well as peoples throughout the world toward Jews as a whole. This directs that hate away from U.S. imperialism, keeping anti-Semitism alive after the Holocaust. It is, therefore, impossible to fight against anti-Semitism without at the same time fighting against Zionism.

Israel claims to represent the entire Jewish people. If it’s allowed by Genocide Joe to carry out a full-scale genocide against the Palestinian people, all Jewish people will be blamed for it. This makes possible a full-scale revival of Nazi-style anti-Semitism that argues that Hitler was correct about the need to exterminate all Jews. Whether or not they realize it, every Jewish person has a vital stake in the fight to halt the current Palestinian Holocaust being carried out in the name of all Jewish people. It’s a matter of life and death today for the Palestinians but tomorrow for the Jews.

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The Israeli government and ruling class needs anti-Semitism to justify the existence of the State of Israel. If anti-Semitism were to be eliminated, then there is no justification for the State of Israel. However, the need for the State of Israel will still remain as an outpost of US imperialism to forestall Arab unity.

This is why the supporters of Israel are eagar to find anti-Semitism everywhere. They need that justification for the existence of Israel. Without that justification, the real aims of US imperialism would be exposed.

The State of Israel needs to subsumed into a free and secular State of Palestine. This state should be able to wlecome back all Palestinian refugees and their descendents.

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Jingyao Wang: A Preliminary Exploration of People's Democracy in the Whole Process: the CPC's Practice of Building Democratic Power in the Central Revolutionary Base Areas

Jingyao Wang discusses A Preliminary Exploration of People's Democracy in the Whole Process: the CPC's Practice of Building Democratic Power in the Central Revolutionary Base Areas

…In learning from the experience of the Soviet Union in building a democratic regime, the CPC emphasized that the Chinese Party should learn from the successful experience of Soviet construction in the Soviet Union and apply it widely among its party members and the general public, so as to prepare cadres and talents in advance and to construct the regime structure in an agile manner. The CPC's practical experience in the construction of Soviet power in the Central Revolutionary Base Areas was an initial exploration of regime building, with its main measures imitating the Soviet model of democracy in the USSR, but at the same time incorporating the unique elements of the Chinese Revolution and embedding the innovative spirit of the CPC. At the spiritual level of democracy building, the CPC actively promoted the theory of soviets, elaborated in depth its connotation and concrete practice, spread the consciousness of soviet democracy, and consciously strengthened the construction of democratic ideology among workers, peasants, and soldiers; at the organizational level, it chose the meeting of the people's deputies and sent representatives to interface with the grassroots masses before seizing power, to ensure that the organization of the regime was tightly organized in terms of democracy and that the CPC had an influential role to play. …(p.80)

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Wang argues that the growth of democracy in China is an iterative process under the guidance of the CPC starting from the Soviet model expressed in the October revolution. The divergence from the Soviet model is based upon experiences in China. The impetus for democratic evolution in China comes from the CPC.

In the course of promoting the construction of base areas, the CPC has carried out continuous practice and exploration with regard to the construction of democratic regimes. First of all, in-depth studies were conducted on how to effectively solve the problem of peasants' survival on the land. The low level of agricultural production and the poverty of peasants at that time seriously affected the Party's ruling base and mass foundation. The CPC attached great importance to the issue of peasants and land, and promulgated a series of central documents and laws to clarify the connotation of land policy. [T]he 1931 Land Law of the Chinese Soviet Republic stipulated that "the confiscation of the land of landlords and the land of other large private owners is authorized," and that it "stands in the interests of the basic peasantry and the future development of the revolution. "on the basis of the basic interests of the masses and the future development of the revolution", the land decree was adopted "as the best guarantee for the solution of the land problem" . The distribution of land benefits based on the material basis of the people's livelihood and the interest of the people as one of the fundamental goals of the process of democracy building, thus completely destroyed the economic basis of rural feudalism and at the same time stimulated the political awakening of the peasant masses. The distribution of land to the masses of peasants greatly liberated the productive forces and touched upon the material issues that were of greatest concern to the peasants, which also led to a high degree of enthusiasm for participation in the democratic revolution, and they responded positively to the call of the Revolutionary War by enthusiastically enlisting in the army and the war, pushing forward the development of production, and taking an active part in the governance of the soviet state and in the building of the Soviet regime. (p.81)

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Wang contends that economic liberation and growth precedes development of democracy in China.

In the Central Revolutionary Base Areas, under the system of "soviets", the Party led the establishment of democratic power for workers and peasants at all levels. Democracy in the Chinese soviets was characterized by a broad range of participating subjects, a full range of coverage, with the soviets striving to respond truthfully to the views of the people in every aspect, from the political and economic to the social life of society and from the central to the grass-roots levels; and a full range of processes, with the soviets emphasizing not only mass participation during the period of the democratic elections, but also post-democratic governance, in order to safeguard the nature of a regime where the people are the masters of their own affairs. (p.82)

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This post-democratic governance extends to review of any proposed legislation by the populace as Wang writes below:

Secondly, the democratic decision-making process is "complete". The Party's exploration of democratic decision-making under the leadership of the people is mainly reflected in the process of building the rule of law in the Chinese Soviet Republic. In the process of legislative proposals, legislative research, the writing of draft legislation, the discussion and revision of legislative documents, and the implementation of legal documents, emphasis is placed on listening to the views of the masses and strengthening the people's participation in the entire chain of legislative work. When drafting laws, the opinions and needs of all strata of the population are fully heeded and legal provisions are formulated. (p.82)

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My understanding is the Whole Process People's Democracy consists of the following elements:

  1. The central and guiding role of the CPC: Western media would contend that this is the basis of authoritarianism in China as there is no way to replace the CPC with another party, say the KMT.
  2. Continual evolution: democracy in China started in the base areas from the ideal of the Soviets and has evolved since.
  3. Necessity of Economic Liberation: Without peasant control of the land, a democratic society could not be built. Without economic growth and those benefits flowing to the peasants, the peasants could not participate in the democratic process. Notice that State and Private Capitalism is not being challenged at this time.
  4. Post-democratic Governance: Democratic participation does not stop at the ballot box but continue with the involvement in the development of legislation directly by the people.


Wang, J. (2023). A Preliminary Exploration of People's Democracy in the Whole Process: the CPC's Practice of Building Democratic Power in the Central Revolutionary Base Areas. Transactions on Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 1, 79-86.

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Yves Smith and Rob Urie: Biden Visits Hitler’s Bunker, Sends for a Decorator: Israel and Ukraine Edition

Yves Smith reposts Rob Urie: Biden Visits Hitler’s Bunker, Sends for a Decorator: Israel and Ukraine Edition.

In almost two years of attrition warfare, the Russians managed to keep the number of civilian deaths in Ukraine to 10,000. With upwards of 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed, the Russians are conspicuously engaged in a targeted state-vs-state battle. In the month since the Hamas attacks of October 7th, the Israelis have killed 10,569 civilians, and possibly a few hundred Hamas soldiers. What the Israelis are doing in Gaza isn’t warfare, it is the extermination of a civilian population. This fits the exterminationist impulse of the Zionist-Right in Israel. If the Biden administration believes that what Israel is doing in Gaza is in any way constructive, the world has a problem.

The US is now reportedly telling (substantially destroyed) Ukraine that it is time to negotiate with Russia. This is 10,000 Ukrainian civilian deaths, 400,000 Ukrainian military deaths, and at least two negotiated settlements between Ukraine and Russia that were put on ice by the Americans, too late. The same adult infants who ‘managed’ this fiasco from the American side are now in charge of US-Israel policy. The only possible worse scenario would have been to have Hillary Clinton— the butcher of Libya, in the White House.

The idea that this is all going to work out because ‘fortress America’ misses that the US is rapidly, and deservedly, becoming a pariah state. Adult infant Blinken is now passing warm gas about a ‘two-state solution’ while Israel exterminates one of the two states he claims to be endorsing. And why would Israel care what Blinken has to say? Joe Biden just assured the Israelis that they can exterminate the entire Middle East and he ‘has their back.’ What a farce. And don’t forget those nuclear weapons.

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Urie has some bias here as he believes the West lured Russia into invading Urkraine. The number of Ukrainian deaths is speculative at this stage as the Ukranian government has kept these figures very secretive.

USA is not any danger of being irrelevant in the modern world with other 900 military bases worldwide and navies in every ocean. What is in danger is the absolute hegemony that teh USA has exercised since 1991. The USD is still the world reserve currency and there is no immediate possibility of it being replaced this decade.

The USA hegemony is being diluted by BRICS+. China continues to grow its economy, naval forces, presence in space, and diplomacy. Russia has survived twelve (12) sets of sanctions so far. India continues to go its own way. Brazil is back to developing its independence from US influence. The actions of the US government seems to be driving the growth of BRICS+.

The diplomatic isolation of the US and Israel does not faze them as they know that the US military force and economic power are unmatched currently. China is not a direct threat to the USA. China is creating enough military forces to deter the US from attacking.

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Jörn Schütrumpf and Rosa Luxemburg: The Breakdown of Unity in the RSDLP

Jörn Schütrumpf discusses Rosa Luxemburg: The Breakdown of Unity in the RSDLP.

Lenin, by the way, was not innovative at all in this work. He merely repeated positions advocated by Marx and Engels 60 years earlier. By contrast, in 1922, three years after Rosa Luxemburg’s death, Lenin became quite enterprising and joined the list of male authors (other genders have probably signed up since) who hide behind Rosa Luxemburg quotes that they themselves made up: “‘German Social-Democracy has been a stinking corpse since 4 August 1914’ — this statement will make Rosa Luxemburg’s name go down in the history of the international working-class movement.’”

Although it is obvious that a Polish intellectual would never allow herself to come across in such a “Russian” way, unfortunately we must acknowledge that Lenin’s forgery was a successful one. Rosa Luxemburg has in fact gone down in history with this mindless nonsense, and on a global scale at that. Poor Rosa.

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Schütrumpf obviously sides with Luxemburg against Lenin. Schütrumpf and Luxemburg accuses Leninism of promoting fractionalism. Schütrumpf argues that Lenin has defamed Luxemburg in order to deflect Luxemburg's accusation.

Rosa Luxemburg writes:

Experience had convinced the overwhelming majority of Bolsheviks that the Leninist policy of organizational withdrawal into a narrow circle was extremely conducive to opportunism and detrimental to the revolutionary wing of Social Democracy: instead of attaining commanding influence over the whole party and rally it behind them, the Bolsheviks erect a factional wall that cuts them off from the party, thus condemning themselves to impotence.

Lenin’s organizational views, which had been swept from the face of Russian Social Democracy by the revolution and by the restoration of party unity, could only thrive again in an atmosphere of party disintegration, generated by the counterrevolution in general and by the liquidators in the ranks of the party in particular. Leninism, in its narrowness and with its sectarian organizational views, knows no other means of combating opportunism than to expel from the party anyone who disagrees. This is why Leninism is by its nature a policy of perpetual splits.

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When Luxemburg wrote this (1912), Lenin and the Bolsheviks were indeed swept from the vanguard of the revolutionary movement. It was only after the July days in 1917 that Lenin was able to lead the Bolsheviks to the forefront of the revolutionary movement. Between July and October 1917, the Bolsheviks emerged as the face of the revolution. The other revolutionary factions had faded or merged them selves into the Bolshevik faction of the RSDLP (especially Trotsky).

Luxemburg concludes (in July 1912):

The reunification of Social Democracy into one single party at the Stockholm Party Congress was the product and achievement of the 1905–6 revolution. Like many other accomplishments of the proletariat, this fruit of the revolution was wrested from us by the triumph of counterrevolution. The liquidationist tendency emerged and grew stronger under the impact of counterrevolution; mindless Leninism also thrived again, and the two tendencies have together brought about the collapse of party unity.

But now, a revolutionary movement has arisen among the working masses. And this movement is the surest guarantor of the imminent resurrection of the RSDLP under the banner of revolutionary Marxism.

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Luxemburg's hope were dashed by the events of 1917. Factions and persons that seemed revolutionary prior to 1917 faded or failed to maintain or adjust their revolutionary positions in reaction to the progress of the Russian Revolution.

Because of her murder during the German Revolution of 1918–1919, we don't know if Luxemburg would have reconsidered her position on Leninism in the aftermath of the October Revolution. If the German Revolution had succeeded, and a German Soviet Republic managed to survived, it is more likely the focus of the worldwide Communism would be in Berlin rather than in Moscow. Luxemburg's opinions would then have more weight than Lenin's.

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Seth Godin: The paradigm flip

Seth Godin discusses The paradigm flip.

Not all paradigms flip. Often, humanity is stuck with a culturally-entrenched system that’s difficult to change. But when we see an opportunity to contribute, the hard work is being willing to walk away from our reliance on how things were instead of simply trying to make a small shift happen.

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One can see Capitalism as a paradigm. It permeates everywhere: economics, politics, religion, philosophy, culture, etc. So extensive is this paradigm, many people can not see the influence of Capitalism in how they act and think about the world. Capitalism dominates the objective and subjective reality for many people.

This is why the consciousness of the working class is the paramount arena for the struggle for a better world. It is up to us to patiently explain that the discontent and suffering that workers feel is due to Capitalism. We offer an alternative in Socialim.

Change is scary. Revolution is especially so. There is comfort in the status quo despite the personal costs. The Capitalist ideologues reinforce this inertia by continually asserting that 'Socialism has failed everywhere it has been tried". This assertion is difficult to counteract given the collapse of the USSR and the ongoing poverty and underdevelopment of current Socialist states (Vietnam, Cuba, Venezuela, and Laos).

The case against 'Socialism with Chinese Characteristics' is not mentioned by Capitalism ideologues. They prefer to attribute the success of China to authoritarism, possibly bolstering their arguments for authoritarian regimes in their own countries.

The Chinese Party of China (CPC) is trying to use state capitalism to develop their economy while maintaining the facade of a Socialist state. The local communities have direct democracy while higher levels are filled by what the CPC maintains is a meritocracy. The CPC calls this 'participatory democracy'. I do not know enough to further comment on this.

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Cara Ocobock and Sarah Lacy: The Theory That Men Evolved to Hunt and Women Evolved to Gather Is Wrong

Cara Ocobock and Sarah Lacy contend that The Theory That Men Evolved to Hunt and Women Evolved to Gather Is Wrong.

Males living in the Upper Paleolithic—the cultural period between roughly 45,000 and 10,000 years ago, when early modern humans entered Europe—do show higher rates of a set of injuries to the right elbow region known as thrower's elbow, which could mean they were more likely than females to throw spears. But it does not mean women were not hunting, because this period is also when people invented the bow and arrow, hunting nets and fishing hooks. These more sophisticated tools enabled humans to catch a wider variety of animals; they were also easier on hunters' bodies. Women may have favored hunting tactics that took advantage of these new technologies.

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I am confused here: are women equal to men in hunting because of physiology or technology? The authors do not appear to understand the spectrum of hunting. Hunting is far more than killing animals. There are several strategies for hunting:

  • Laying traps (passive or active): anyone, including children, can lay a passive trap in which an animal traps itself. An active trap involves driving animals into a killing zone like over a cliff or to where other hunters are waiting to strike. Both of these can involve both genders. However, an active trap increases the risk of severe injury or death for the hunters and would not be suitable for women with children in tow.
  • Tracking and killing herbivorves: these animals graze in packs and will usually run if spooked. I doubt hunting with young children in tow would be wise as a screaming match could erupt at any moment. Some of these animals can defend themselves by charging at predators. Again, hunting these kinds of animals puts children and mothers at risk.
  • Tracking and killing carnivorves: these animals tend to solitary or live in small packs. Humans were more prey to these animals before the acquisition of more sophisticated tools. Even with these tools, the risk of serious injury or death remains high.

Overall, hunting involves high risk of serious risk or death in most activities. Even though physiology and technology allows women to hunt, these risks to hunters can reduce the survivability of the group by removing women from reproduction.

What is more, females and males were buried in the same way in the Upper Paleolithic. Their bodies were interred with the same kinds of artifacts, or grave goods, suggesting that the groups they lived in did not have social hierarchies based on sex.

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This does not indicate a gender differentiation between hunting and gathering. It just means that genders were seen as equal in status.

Ancient DNA provides additional clues about social structure and potential gender roles in ancestral human communities. Patterns of variation in the Y chromosome, which is paternally inherited, and in mitochondrial DNA, which is maternally inherited, can reveal differences in how males and females dispersed after reaching maturity. Thanks to analyses of DNA extracted from fossils, we now know of three Neandertal groups that engaged in patrilocality—wherein males were more likely to stay in the group they were born into and females moved to other groups—although we do not know how widespread this practice was.

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This data is very limited (three (3) groups) and applies to Neanderthals. Whether this can be extended to Homo Sapiens is speculation at this stage. As all research papers conclude, more study is needed. If these results do hold for Homo Sapiens, patrilocality increases the likelihood of a patriarchy. Thus, the idea that hunter gathers were predominately matriarchical would have to die. And then we can no longer blame agriculture for the introduction of patriarchy. Something else must have caused the migration from matriarchy to patriarchy.

Patrilocality is believed to have been an attempt to avoid incest by trading potential mates with other groups. Nevertheless, many Neandertals show both genetic and anatomical evidence of repeated inbreeding in their ancestry. They lived in small, nomadic groups with low population densities and endured frequent local extinctions, which produced much lower levels of genetic diversity than we see in living humans. This is probably why we don't see any evidence in their skeletons of sex-based differences in behavior. For those practicing a foraging subsistence strategy in small family groups, flexibility and adaptability are much more important than rigid roles, gendered or otherwise. Individuals get injured or die, and the availability of animal and plant foods changes with the seasons. All group members need to be able to step into any role depending on the situation, whether that role is hunter or breeding partner.

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A higher population density increases the likelihood of human survivability through increased genetic diversity. This is the reason that the adoption of agriculture was so successful.

Later on, the authors write:

So much about female exercise physiology and the lives of prehistoric women remains to be discovered. But the idea that in the past men were hunters and women were not is absolutely unsupported by the limited evidence we have. Female physiology is optimized for exactly the kinds of endurance activities involved in procuring game animals for food. And ancient women and men appear to have engaged in the same foraging activities rather than upholding a sex-based division of labor. It was the arrival some 10,000 years ago of agriculture, with its intensive investment in land, population growth and resultant clumped resources, that led to rigid gendered roles and economic inequality.

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The authors repeat the theory that agriculture gave rise to class society, and, by implication, patriarchy. However, as I wrote above, the existence of patrilocality prior to agriculture may break the causality chain of agriculture to patriarchy.


  • Ocobock, Cara, and Lacy, Sarah (2023). The Theory That Men Evolved to Hunt and Women Evolved to Gather Is Wrong, Scientific American 329, 4, 22-29 (November 2023) doi:10.1038/scientificamerican1123-22

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Jim McIlroy: Unionists for Palestine get organised, endorse call to boycott ZIM

Jim McIlroy reports that Unionists for Palestine get organised, endorse call to boycott ZIM.

Joe Deakin, a veteran leader of the MUA, said: “We are dealing with a ruthless capitalist system in this war. The MUA has always stood up to our rulers against war and oppression. We need to stand up for Palestine together. International solidarity is crucial right now.”

Delegates and activists during discussion elaborated on how they were building solidarity with the people of Gaza in their unions.

The Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions and a coalition of all major Palestinian unions and professional associations have called on unions and workers worldwide to boycott Israel and businesses that are complicit with its apartheid regime.

The international effort is called #BlockTheBoat. ZIM, the Israeli shipping line, in the development of the Israeli war machine has been relentless. It is a major transporter of weapons of mass destruction.

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We should support the BDS Movement as a non-violent way to stop the genocide of the Palestinians by the Israeli state.

An even better way is to replace Capitalism with Communism. But this is not possible at present.

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Daniel Little: Brecht on Galileo on science

Daniel Little discusses Brecht on Galileo on science.

In this section of the play, then, Brecht breaks with a common narrative about the Galileo story: the pure and rational scientist who is forced to change his beliefs by an unthinking and authoritarian Church. In that story the scientist is the isolated individual courageously pursuing the truth for its own sake, and the Church is an authoritarian structure which is the antithesis of intellectual freedom. Instead, Brecht tells a more complicated story. It is not just the question of recanting "unacceptable" beliefs; it is the question of devoting one's scientific talents in service to the rich and powerful. Galileo's [Brecht's] fundamental critique is that "science" is allied with "the ruling class".

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Science is part of the Ideological State Appartus (ISA) just as religion and mass media are. These are used by the ruling class to justify the status quo.

When the Capitalist class splits as in the Climate Change Crisis, science then becomes the battleground. This is why scientists are being attacked for their conclusions about Climate Change. Their conclusions threaten the existing status quo.

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AA: Turkey continues to attack Kobani’s women-led reconstruction

AA discusses Turkey continues to attack Kobani’s women-led reconstruction.

The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) government in Turkey “steals from (Turkey’s) women for more bombs against the women of Kobani,” [Peoples’ Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP) Women’s Assemblies Speaker Halide Türkoğlu] said.

The new model implemented in Kobani has created a new joint resistance for those who “insist on living together”, Türkoğlu said. “Kobani is proof that an equal, just and common life is possible together with all its diversity.”

While the autonomous administration in northern Syria is led by a Kurdish majority, the project aims to give equal representation and voice to all ethnicity and faith groups living in the area, including Turkmens, Arabs, Armenians and Syriacs.

“No power, no tank, no weapon is strong enough to tear down this revolution that was built with such strife,” Türkoğlu said, calling on all women to come together against Turkey’s attacks in the region.

The new model implemented in Kobani has created a new joint resistance for those who “insist on living together”, Türkoğlu said.

Turkey’s most recent offensive against the region was launched after an attack against the central police headquarters in the capital Ankara. While the Turkish government maintains that the attackers received training in Kurdish-held Syrian territory, the Kurdish authorities have denied any involvement.

The Turkish attacks deliberately target civilian infrastructure and have damaged vital power and water stations serving the region, affecting some five million civilians.

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While we are distracted by the genocide in Gaza and the invasion of Ukraine, another genocide is being waged by Turkiye against Kurdistan. The language and culture of the Kurds is being suppressed by the Turks.

The example of Kobani is a threat against the Capitalism and its state actors. That an alternative exists is a grave threat to Capitalism.

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Charles Hirschkind: The Invisible Slaughter of Palestinian Children

Charles Hirschkind discusses The Invisible Slaughter of Palestinian Children.

From the standpoint of Western media, Palestinian lives are relevant precisely in proportion to their ability to resist Israel’s crushing grip upon them. Insomuch as Hamas is the primary institution of organized resistance in Gaza, it is they -— not dead children -— who are the only significant Palestinian casualties in this war. It is this perceptual regime that lays behind comments such as the following, made by a US government official, just a few days ago: “We believe that a ceasefire right now benefits Hamas, and Hamas is the only one that would gain from that right now.” The thought that thousands of Palestinian children might also derive some benefit from a ceasefire, namely by not being blown to pieces, is not even to be entertained.

The erasure of enemy deaths is an established practice within war, and the deaths of children are no exception. Thousands of children were killed by the US in the “War on Terror.” These deaths never achieved significant visibility within American public discourse, never weighed heavily on the American political conscience.

Our mainstream media present us today with two events that cannot be squared, the war on Palestinian children and the war on Hamas, and then proceed to coach us in how not to see one of them. This is the task in perception management that today sets their agenda.

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Americans and Israelis then ask themselves, "Why do they hate us?" Their enemies see the torn bodies of children amid the rubble of bombs dropped from the sky, and their rage is born. There is no international court to bring the perpetrators to justice. Both the USA and Israel are not members of the International Criminal Court (ICC) as they have not ratified the Rome Statute.

The reasons Israel gives for not ratifying are:

Israel states that it has "deep sympathy" with the goals of the Court. However, it has concerns that political pressure on the Court would lead it to reinterpret international law or to "invent new crimes". It cites the inclusion of "the transfer of parts of the civilian population of an occupying power into occupied territory" as a war crime as an example of this, whilst at the same time disagrees with the exclusion of terrorism and drug trafficking. Israel sees the powers given to the prosecutor as excessive and the geographical appointment of judges as disadvantaging Israel which was prevented from joining any of the UN Regional Groups.

In other words, the ICC is a good idea except for the war crimes that Israel is committing through creating settlements in the occupied territories.

The attitude of the USA towards the ICC is even more belligent:

The United States "adopted a hostile stance towards the Court throughout most of the Bush presidency." In 2002, Congress enacted the American Servicemembers' Protection Act (ASPA), which was signed into law on August 2, 2002; the "overriding purpose of the ASPA was to inhibit the U.S. government from supporting the ICC." Major provisions of the ASPA blocked U.S. funding of the ICC and required the U.S. "to enter into agreements with all ICC signatory states to shield American citizens abroad from ICC jurisdiction, under the auspices of Article 98 of the Rome Statute," which bars the ICC "from prosecuting individuals located on the territory of an ICC member state, where such action by the Court would cause the member state to violate the terms of any other bilateral or multilateral treaty to which it is a party." Traditionally, Article 98 was used in relation to traditional status of forces agreements (SOFAs) and status of mission agreements (SOMAs), in which nations hosting U.S. military personnel by invitation agreed to immunize them from prosecution in foreign courts. The Bush administration, supported by opponents of the ICC in Congress, adopted a new strategy of aggressively pursuing Bilateral Immunity Agreements (BIAs), "which guarantee immunity from ICC prosecution for all American citizens in the country with which the agreement is concluded" rather than just U.S. military forces. "Under the original ASPA, nations who refused to conclude BIAs with the United States were subject to sanctions, including the loss of military aid (though these provisions have since been repealed)." As of December 2006, the U.S. State Department reported that it had signed 102 BIAs. In 2002, the United States threatened to veto the renewal of all United Nations peacekeeping missions unless its troops were granted immunity from prosecution by the Court. In a compromise move, the Security Council passed Resolution 1422 on 12 July 2002, granting immunity to personnel from ICC non-states parties involved in United Nations established or authorized missions for a renewable twelve-month period. This was renewed for twelve months in 2003 but the Security Council refused to renew the exemption again in 2004, after pictures emerged of US troops abusing Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib, and the US withdrew its demand.

The problem is how to bring two (2) terrorist states to justice? The USA protects Israel, and the USA is currently the global hegemon. The boot of the USA is upon all of our necks.

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Sue Bull: 'Not in our name’: Jewish collective occupies defence minister’s office over Gaza

Sue Bull reports on 'Not in our name’: Jewish collective occupies defence minister’s office over Gaza.

The Loud Jew Collective occupied defence minister Richard Marles’ office on November 1 to protest Labor’s support for Israel’s war on Gaza.

About 50 anti-Zionist demonstrators demanded Marles and federal Labor withdraw economic, diplomatic and military support for Israel's occupation of Palestine.

Some protestors locked themselves by the neck to a ladder in Marles’ office, while others, including First Nations and community activists, unfurled banners which read: “Stop the genocide”, “ALP supports ethnic cleansing”, “Not in our name" and “Disarm Israel”.

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The actions of these protestors belie the charge that criticism of the government of Israel is anti-semitism. To overcome this reality, the rabid supporters of Israel call the protestors 'self-hating Jews'. Those supporters cannot imagine that there is any moral position beside unconditional support of Israel despite clear evidence of genocide.

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Yves Smith: What Gives Israel the Right to Annihilate Gaza?

Yves Smith reposts "What Gives Israel the Right to Annihilate Gaza?".

The violence of resistance and the violence of oppression are often equated to give the latter more legitimacy, and to maintain an existing order. Genuine hope for change only comes when public opinion rejects that equivalence. ALL the atrocities committed by the Israeli state – both during the past three weeks and as an occupying power in general – must be condemned every bit as harshly as the actions of Hamas, and by as many people as possible. It is the only way that we can compel Western powers to intervene in this encroaching genocide of Palestinians.

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Despite the intentions of the author, they fall for the settler-colonial narrative that the history of events starts with the actions of the oppressed. The actions of the oppressor are hidden until resistance erupts in an orgy of violence. Then everyone is surprised—why are the oppressed so violent? People ask why non-violence is not tried despite massive proetests by the Palestinians. These protests are ignored by the West and violently suppressed by Israel.

The history of Hamas is convoluted as it evolved from a tool of Israeli oppression into the centre of Palestinian resistance. Hamas was encouraged to undermine the PLO in order to derail the peace process. As the PLO evolved into a tool of the Israeli occupation, Hamas has emerged as the focus of Palestinian resistance.

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Isaac Nellist: 'Killers of the Flower Moon': Murder, deceit and genocide

Isaac Nellist reviews 'Killers of the Flower Moon': Murder, deceit and genocide.

Oil was later discovered on Osage land, making them “the richest people per capita in the world” as they retained “headrights” (communal mineral rights).

However this also made them the target of exploitation as white Americans and the US government sought to take control of the valuable oil-rich lands through murder, manipulation and brutality.

Ernest and Mollie’s marriage is central to the film, beginning with a genuine chemistry and spark that is undermined by Ernest’s involvement in her family’s murders.

Ernest and his uncle want to ensure that Mollie’s family’s headrights go to her, and by extension Ernest, so they begin a horrifying plot to murder Mollie’s sisters, their partners and anyone else who threatens their claim to the wealth.

Mollie, her sisters and the other Osage women are well aware that the white men around them are pursuing their wealth. Mollie reads Ernest almost immediately: “Coyote wants money,” she tells her sisters with a smirk.

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What struck me about this movie is the line, "It is easier to convict a white man of kicking a dog than for murdering an Indian." This line illustrates the structural racism built into any criminal justice system for a settler colonial state, such as USA, Canada, Australia, and Israel.

The sobering truth is that events portrayed in this film are not confined to the past. The murder of First Nations women continue today as documented in The Highway of Tears in British Columbia, Canada, and here, in Australia, a TV report, "How Many More?", says:

Four Corners can reveal at least 315 First Nations women have either gone missing or been murdered or killed in suspicious circumstances since 2000.

But this is an incomplete picture. We will likely never know the true scale of how many First Nations women have been lost over the decades.

This is because there is no agency in Australia keeping count, and there is no standard way of collecting this important data in each state and territory.

Canada calls it a genocide. The United States considers it an epidemic. But here in Australia, we’re only just waking up to the scale of the crisis.

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The reluctance to investigate the murder of First Nations women as depicted in the film continues to this day. The Four Corners report continues:

There is an alarming pattern of what’s known as “under-policing” of Indigenous women who end up dead, says Noongar academic Hannah McGlade, a member of the United Nations permanent forum on Indigenous issues.

Research published by the British Journal of Criminology this month [2022] shows that almost 75 per cent of First Nations women who were killed “experienced police reluctance and inaction following domestic violence”.

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Still from the film, Killers of the Flower Moon, showing Mollie sitting with her sisters on a large blanket on the ground. All of them are holding fans.

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Ted Rall: Israel Is Not Acting in “Self-Defense”

Ted Rall discusses Israel Is Not Acting in “Self-Defense”

Israel’s claim to self-defense ended hours after the Hamas attack, when the IDF had killed or routed all Hamas fighters on Israeli territory and retaken control of the areas that had previously been overrun. The status quo ante was restored as of October 8th, with the exception of the more than 200 hostages seized from Israel and now held by Hamas in Gaza.

After Israel secured the areas broached by Hamas, a different body of law applied. Israel’s bombing campaign, which began on October 8th, might only be justified as a preemptive act of self-defense—a military campaign to prevent future terrorist attacks by Hamas. The Bush Administration claimed that its invasion of Iraq fell into this category, but that war clearly failed the so-called “Caroline test” formulated by the U.S. in the 19th century and which now guides international law. In 1837, Secretary of State Daniel Webster declared that a nation-state could only justify the use of military force in a case of imminent threat that was “instant, overwhelming, leaving no choice of means, and no moment of deliberation” and, these conditions being satisfied, military action should be proportional: “nothing unreasonable or excessive; since the act, justified by the necessity of self-defense, must be limited by that necessity, and kept clearly within it.”

Self-defense is not a blank check for unlimited vengeance or retribution. Being angry or insulted or traumatized does not justify revenge. A nation-state is only permitted to apply the bare minimum of force necessary to repel or neutralize a threat.

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One should remember that Nazi Germany claimed that the extermination of Jews, Homosexuals, Gypsies, Russians, Poles, etc. was also done in 'self-defense'. The use of the term, 'self-defense', is meant to shut down critical thinking and deflect criticism.

Genocide is genocide whether it is done by Nazi Germany or Israel.

Three Palestinian men are walking down a rubble-strewn street in Gaza. Another man is staring off to the left in the background. The top storeys on the buildings to the right have been destroyed.

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Mubarak Awad: 7 steps to end the Cycle of Violence in Israel and Palestine

Mubarak Awad discusses 7 steps to end the Cycle of Violence in Israel and Palestine

For the international community: The two-state solution, unfortunately, is no longer an option. Support solutions that provide rights to all peoples in the region. Keeping Gaza as an open-air prison is criminal. Therefore, have it declared as such, by international and political bodies. Provide humanitarian aid and denounce apartheid. Work for justice and equality.

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The State of Israel has to be subsumed into a secular State of Palestine. The continued brutality of the Israeli occupation feeds the growth of Hamas and successor groups. The initiative for change has to come from the Israelis as they have the power. Individual Israelis should start with passive resistance against participation in the occupation.

A hand releasing a dove into the sky with a flock in the background

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Peter Boyle: After the referendum: Don’t agonise, organise!

Peter Boyle writes After the referendum: Don’t agonise, organise!

The Yes campaign was deeply flawed from the start.

It was designed to be minimalist and conservative in the hope of getting bipartisan support, which it failed to get. Consequently, its arguments were contradictory and its promises did not match its proposals.

It purported that token constitutional recognition (already inserted into every state constitution) and the establishment of a First Nation’s advisory body would somehow close the yawning gap.

The Yes campaign could not even tell the truth about the differences between First Nations peoples. There was no hiding the fact that most of the most militant and grassroots-mobilising First Nations activists argued for a progressive No vote, based on demands for sovereignty, truth telling, treaties and rights-based measures to close the gap between First Nations communities and the rest of the population.

The Yes campaign insisted that the referendum proposal had the unanimous support of First Nations people when, in fact, it was devised by a small number of conservative, bureaucratic First Nations leaders in consultation with conservative political and corporate elites.

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The proposal was for a body with undefined powers which the NO case said was the thin edge of the wedge for a third chamber of parliament even though the parliament had to pass legislation to create the body. Now the NO case want to scrap any movement towards a treaty and truth telling. They say that Australia cannot have a treaty with itself thereby obliterating the sovereignty of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. And they say truth telling is merely an excuse for spreading lies about the colonisation of Australia.

Settler colonial societies go to great lengths to erase the identity of the indigenous societies by denying them their sovereignty and history. Until Aborigines can assert their sovereignty through a Treaty, control their futures through self governance, and tell their stories through truth telling, there can be no reconciliation in Australia.

Protest march of supporters for the YES case with two prominent signs: 'Voice Treaty Truth' on the left, 'History is Calling' on the right.

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Amy McQuire: The No vote was a racist vote

Amy McQuire says The No vote was a racist vote

We must recentre this No vote on what we already know is true: the racism and white supremacy of a settler-colonial state which, even now, even as the country votes against us, refuses to acknowledge its true face.

It is not time to be silent — not for our own people, but also for our Indigenous and brothers and sisters in Gaza and across the world.

Many genocide scholars have already stated that what is happening in Gaza is a textbook case of genocide. I repeat that: this is not a war.

This is mass ethnic cleansing and genocide, and the Israeli government has already perpetrated war crimes on the people of Gaza.

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Racism is the basis for settler-colonial states, such as Australia, USA, Canada, New Zealand, and Israel. One cannot displace the indigenous peoples without treating them as lessers by destroying their cultures and connections to the land. Settler-colonialism is all about replacing the indigenous populations.

The struggles against settler-colonialism are linked around the world. It is not identity politics to promote the struggles of the dispossessed. The ruling class will try everything to discredit and suppress the resistance groups because the power of the ruling class comes from oppression. They are riding the tiger and cannot get off.

Survival Day in Gadi/Sydney on January 26. Photo: Zebedee Parkes

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Seth Godin: What are the defaults?

Seth Godin asks What are the defaults?

It could be that the constraints that led to the default are long gone.

They might be perpetuating bad choices, injustice or sub-optimal outputs.

The best way to fix something is to look at what we assume is the ‘right’ starting spot.

In persistent systems, it might be difficult to change the default setting, but knowing what it is and how it got there is a great place to begin.

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This is great advice whether one is investigating:

  • The occupation of Palestine
  • The invasion of Ukraine
  • The division of Korea
  • Settler-colonial societies
  • Patriarchy
  • Etc.

For Marxists, history is paramount. This includes exploration of the unofficial histories as well, not just the official ones. The Black Armband stories need to be told and heard.

With the interrogation of these histories, Marxists can reconstruct the trajectories that society took to reach the current state.

The default setting of any society is the status quo. As Godin writes, one should start with investigation of how the status quo came to be. This gives us a starting point to consider how change to be effected.

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Ted Rall: Israel Should Respond, Not React

Ted Rall discusses Israel Should Respond, Not React

Israel could turn the power back on, let food and water back in and beef up its lame security along its border with Gaza. It could treat the attacks as a police matter and demand that Hamas turn over suspects for prosecution. It could jumpstart negotiations to finalize a two-state solution, which everyone knows is the only viable long-term solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It could embrace the wisdom of Nelson Mandela, who understood that a cycle of violence would never end unless one side, the side in charge that happened to be the African National Congress after he was elected president, declared amnesty so the country could move past apartheid. And if it finally did—after careful consideration—decide to invade Gaza, it could so with full knowledge and understanding of what form of governance would follow Hamas.

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The calls for blood-thirsty revenge by ethnic cleansing lays the basis for the escalation of the conflict. The future Palestinian resistance will make the actions of Hamas seem rational and restrained, just as PLO is now seen to be far better than Hamas. Maybe the delay in the Gaza incursion will allow cooler heads to prevail.

The two-state solution is now dead. Israel has to be subsumed into a secular Palestine. Israel has become toxic due to its current form as a jewish apartheid state.

Palestinians search the rubble of destroyed buildings following an Israeli strike, in Rafah, Palestine, October 12, 2023. (AFP Photo)

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Mike Shedlock: If You Don’t Openly Condemn Hamas, Then Don’t Complain What Happens Next

Mike Shedlock writes If You Don’t Openly Condemn Hamas, Then Don’t Complain What Happens Next

However, it is certain Hamas had swarmed through crowds, killing at least 260 people and taking an unknown number hostage at a music festival.

New Rule: If you cannot openly and honestly blast Hamas for these actions, then do not bother complaining about any response by Israel.

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This is a common tactic of all those who support the settler-colonial states—history only starts with something bad happening to the settler-colonial state. This tactic is used to deprive the event of any context and history. It is used to frame the discussion as something bad has happened to 'the good people', and you must condemn 'the bad people'. It is used, as here, as gate keeping—you cannot participate in the discussion unless you accept this statement.

Without understanding the context and the history, you are left with the impression is that these acts occur in a vacuum, and therefore the colonised are simply mindless brutes who must be exterminated because there is no reasoning with them.

This tactic has the negative effect of reinforcing this terrorist behaviour—if the only time you in the issues confronting the colonised is when atrocities occur, then the terrorists have the incentives to commit more horrific atrocities.

Flag of Palestine

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Sue Bull: Stop Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza

Sue Bull says Stop Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza

For there to be a just political settlement, we need to help build a powerful global solidarity movement with the Palestinian people and against Israeli apartheid.

Effective solidarity means building alliances with those who support justice for Palestine such as the union movement, churches, community groups and Palestinian refugees.

The Anthony Albanese Labor government should call on Israel to stop its genocidal war on Gaza and lift the blockade. It should impose and support a comprehensive arms embargo on Israel. It should oppose ongoing Israeli land grabbing and ethnic cleansing support. And, it should support the right of Palestinian refugees to resettle in their traditional homelands with full rights.

Most Palestinians no longer believe that a “two-state solution” is viable. Palestine must become an integrated non-racialised, democratic state, where every citizen has equal rights.

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Israel needs to be subsumed into a secular Palestine. The religious apartheid needs to end. No religion has primacy in the new Palestine. The dual citizenship of Israel needs to end: residents need to choose whether they are Palestinians or not.

Protesting Israel's genocidal bombardment of Gaza in Meanjin/Brisbane. Photo: Alex Bainbridge

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Juan Cole: Israel’s Colonial Revenge Genocide in Gaza is only the latest in a Long History of such Massacres

Juan Cole discusses Israel’s Colonial Revenge Genocide in Gaza is only the latest in a Long History of such Massacres

Such vendettas against civilian populations have been routinely pursued by colonial militaries in the wake of a forceful challenge to their control. We must be clear-eyed and recognize that such revolts have sometimes been characterized by the deployment of the most horrific terrorism against the settler population by the indigenous resistance. The main characteristic of the phenomenon, however, is the disproportionate response by the settlers and their colonial military, so that the number of indigenous people killed is orders of magnitude higher than the casualties among the settlers. Another frequent trope is the patriarchal justification of subsequent massacres by pointing to settler women and children killed. This rhetoric drove London’s repression of the first Indian Great Rebellion against British rule in 1857-1858.

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As Cole points out, this disproportionate response is a feature of a settler-colonial society. One example from List of massacres of Indigenous Australians is:

March 1797. After Aboriginal Australians killed two British settlers, a large punitive expedition was organised which surprised and dispersed a native camp of about 100 people, killing an unknown number. The armed group then returned to Parramatta to rest. Pemulwuy, a noted Aboriginal resistance leader of the early frontier, followed them into the town, demanding vengeance for the dispersal. A skirmish (known as the Battle of Parramatta) then occurred between Pemulwuy's group and a collection of British soldiers and settlers. One of the settlers was injured, but at least five Aboriginal Australians were shot dead with many more wounded, including Pemulwuy.

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This example does not explain why the two (2) settlers were killed as part of Battle of Parramatta. This is the standard history of a settler-colonial society in which all atrocities start with the actions of the colonised, never in the context in which the actions occurred. One is left with the impression that the colonised are just blood-thirsty barbarism who act without reason. Consequently, the settlers believe that they are left with no other option than genocide. For to admit a rational basis for the actions of the colonised is to undermine the settler-colonial project.

In his book, "The Battle of Parramatta: 21 to 22 March 1797", Jonathan Lim argues the settlers killed were a soldier and his common-law wife (pp.20-21). These murders occurred during raids by Aboriginals to destroy the economic basis for settler encroachment on Aboriginal lands by destroying the grains just before harvest (p.17). These raids have been going for a couple of years. The increasing levels of reprisals by settlers, and the presence of a military garrison on the frontier points to the success of economic warfare.

Street view of Palestinian families walking and in cars mving towards the viewer overlaid with the caption, Israel-Palestine: Palestinians flee after warning

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Farooq Sulehria and Harris Qadeer: Kashmir: Anti-neoliberal intifada convulses the Himalayas

Farooq Sulehria and Harris Qadeer discusses "Kashmir: Anti-neoliberal intifada convulses the Himalayas".

By October, the boycott extended, with more and more consumers joining in. In response, more than 50 key activists were arrested, while the authorities threatened to register anti-terrorism charges against electricity consumers not paying their bills.

These heavy-handed state measures were responded to, on the one hand, by observing a general strike on October 5, and on the other, by extending the agitation. In the next phase, the Peoples Action Committees have announced a mobilization of women on October 10 and students on October 17.

Unsurprisingly, at the time of writing, the government spokespersons have promised talks, while police continue chasing Peoples Action Committee leaders, who have gone underground. Co-author Harris Qadeer is also in hiding to evade arrest. The police, simultaneously, are hesitant to detain activists because police stations where activists are detained are besieged by unarmed agitators. Besides being sympathetic to the demands, the cops don’t want “picket lines” outside their stations. In one case, police were forced to release arrested activists just hours after they were detained.

Meanwhile, the mainstream Pakistani media are avoiding any coverage of the movement. Despite this, Pakistan has also been infected. In certain towns, Peoples Action Committees have been set up, while traders associations in Karachi, the metropolitan hub of the country’s trade, have threatened not to pay their electricity bills. The situation in Pakistan is already explosive. An intifada against years of neoliberal “reforms” is the only option left to roll back the International Monetary Fund-dictated agenda that has pushed millions of lives into misery.

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Here we have non-violent protests going on for over five (5) months with very little media coverage. Even these protests are threatened as being treated as terrorism—this term has lost all substational meaning as states use it to denote anyone who opposes them. The importance of expanding grassroot networks, like the Peoples Action Committees, is essential for the non-violent protests to continue.

PaJK dharna protest

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